Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Colombia - The Beginning!
Friday, 18 December 2009
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Term's almost over...
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Ants; Bears; Shopping; Swine!
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Restless, Rambling...
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
And so it begins...
Kids finally came back to school today, my bunch seem pretty well behaved in comparison to last year's naughty boys. I kind of know most of them already which makes things easier. I have one new boy who seems to be in the cheeky/smart category - which is cool, well it will be once he learns the boundaries!!
I decided it was best to get the kids back into lessons as soon as poss, so I baffled them with some maths and introduced are WWII topic. I'm taking a big cross curricular approach to this, which is mostly fairly easy thanks to the Hamilton Trust. I just need to sort out the music side of things, but am thinking jazz and maybe protest songs - haven't got it all clear in my head yet.
Being back at school is pretty hard after the amazingly long summer holiday, already I'm exhausted and the list of work is growing.
On a different note, it's the guy's birthday tomorrow and I'm going to play a few numbers at his party - he doesn't know this yet and I'm fairly nervous. I had a practise this evening, but the lead for the amp didn't work, which was the main part I wanted to check. Singing is easy, microphones are easy, hearing what I'm playing through an amp is completely nerve racking. I think it'll be okay, I'm sure he'll be chuffed to bits, but the practise this evening hasn't exactly filled me with confidence. I felt fine, but the friend who was listening wasn't exactly gushing with praise - I guess that's probably how she is though. Now I need to work out the order of songs.
At the weekend I'm heading to Otavalo again for an Irish/Ecuadorian wedding which should be lots of fun. I'm using it as my pre-birthday party, thus giving me the opportunity to have a post birthday party the following weekend!
That's all for now, more soon. xx
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Luckily though, thanks to the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education, I'm getting another week off - woohoo! There's been some sort of cock up which means kids aren't back till the 7th and all staff are off till next Monday. So I'm making the most of it and heading off for a couple of days, with a friend, to Otavalo. (Although this means the time will have to be made up later in the year).
So, summer...it's been awesome! I have had such a lovely mix of family and friends both at home and here in Ecuador. I've been into the Amazon jungle; went to Latitude; Copenhagen; Norfolk; all over the place really (in more ways than one - haha!).
On the whole, life is feeling really good at the mo.
I have lots of brilliant memories of the summer - too many to put here in one go! Just thought I'd write down a few words to let you all know I'm good.
Also, in case you're wondering...the 'friend' mentioned is a guy...it's early days, we'll see, all you need to know is that he's putting a smile on my face.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Family, friends, some things change and some stay the same
It's been fairly hectic so far, so I'm really enjoying a few days chilling out in Copenhagen with Caro, Stu and Theo. Theo is utterly gorgeous and had already charmed me pretty much completely over the webcam, but now I'm in love with him even more!
I have loved seeing everyone so far and know there are still a good number of significant people to catch up with, but I also want to make sure I have a decent time with Mum and Dad as I'm really unsure as to when I will see them again after this. Much as I love my friends, my family comes first.
The best bits so far:
- Seeing Mum, Dad, Caro, Theo and Stu
- Catching up with Mark and laughing until 4am in the morning.
- Playing and singing at the Cider Shed and The Barrel
- Getting to Anna's and sitting on the bench outside; Sim turning up after a while and asking if I'd ever been away!
- Being hugged by Mikey, Henry and Hugo, all at the same time.
- Finding out about a party within 24 hours of getting home - cheers Chum for the info and Oz for the party!
- Lovely Pat and Liney
- The surprised look that I've seen on quite a few people's faces when I have surprised them by turning up out of the blue (even though it hasn't exactly been a secret that I was coming home!)
Ooops, almost forgot about the changes, etc...
Well my friends have mostly stayed exactly as I thought they would be - all gorgeous, and able to sit down and talk as if no time has passed.
Some conversations have seemed similar to a year ago...
The trees are all the same...
There are a few changes though, people having or expecting kids; Lou's in Bosnia, her kids have grown...
It's good to know that things in Norfolk also change and move on, as I have. However it's also very comforting to have the familiarity of many things being the same!
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
One more week...
I wonder how it will be. I know that some things will have changed and some will remain the same. There are a few things that I hoped wouldn't, but I have come to realise that it was all fairly inevitable.
Things I'm looking forward to, in no particular order:
- Hugging my Dad at the airport
- Hugging my Mum when we get home
- Sleeping in my bed
- Hugging (hmm gonna be a lot of that) all my gorgeous friends
- Seeing my sis Caro, Stu and Theo in Copenhagen (And obviously hugging them a lot too)
- Going to Latitude and partying
- Driving!!!
- Fishfinger sandwiches
- Theo
- New clothes
- A Sunday at The Barrel
- Live music played by my friends
- Playing my Washburn guitar
Monday, 22 June 2009
Rebuild, reload - please wait!
The new install of Windows 7 went well, as did the transfer of saved files. However I should probably have made sure I had saved certain program files and maybe made a list of my bookmarks in Firefox - DOH!
It's been quite nerve racking at times and now I'm getting bored with downloading things and stuff! (Hence I thought I'd tell you lot about it!)
I'm starting to think it would have been easier to get Andy to do it, but then again I wouldn't have learnt these important things if I had...
Blah, blah, blah.
On a more interesting note, in 7 days time, about now...I shall probably be unable to sleep as I will be excited about getting on a great big hairy plane to fly home - YAY!
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Una Semana Mas!
It hasn't always been easy and there have certainly been up and downs, but on the whole it's been a good year. I have made brilliant friends; seen beautiful places; had lots of fun. I know there will be even more of this over the next year.
I am so excited about coming home to see everyone and it seems that a good number of people are excited about my return which is good to know!
I have had a marvellous weekend...I'm turning into a bit of a dirty stop out - teehee! Went out with Adriana last night and consumed a fair quantity of Cuba Libres (I seem to have found the drink for me!!), much giggling and dancing ensued! At 3am Adri buggered off home but I decided to stay with some friends in Quito and ended up seeing the sunrise whilst hummingbirds hovered nearby - beautiful! After a few hours of collapse on me mate Dave's sofa, I got up to go and meet the girlies and Mike for food and shopping!
Delicious focaccia was enjoyed whilst Cuban music was being played live - perfect! Unfortunately just as we were heading in a shopwardly direction, the heaven's opened and we got utterly soaked. Rain, however, did not stop play...we braved our way forwards to the artesania market. Personally I was impressed with my part in this valiant effort, as one must not forget the alcohol in my system and my serious lack of sleep! (Heehee!)
Hats and other goodies were purchased - along with a rather nice ring for myself!
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Dirty Stop Out!
On Wednesday some of my lovely friends from Canoa were in Quito for the Ecuador vs Brazil match. Unfortunately I couldn't make it to the game because I had an interview* for the deputy position in the primary school in the afternoon and had to work. However I decided it would be fun to go up to Quito and catch up with folks after the game.
Adri and I headed up for an early dinner at our favourite Mexican. Hmmm...I mentioned truth, well one of the guys who works there is very good looking and I rather like to admire him while I eat! Also the food is great - I'm slowly working my way through the menu!
Afterwards the only possible destination was Finn's. We were both shattered and hoped the guys and gals would turn up fairly quickly! By the time they reached us it was about 8pm and Adri was flagging - I on the other hand had had a couple of beers and was getting into the idea of being sociable and staying out!
We realised they had arrived when we saw a shock of blonde hair heading towards us - yes it was Frans the crazy Dutchman! Maija was also there and one of her friends from back home. We all got chatting and were having a lovely time - I knew I couldn't face more beer having had a couple and decided to have a Cuba Libre. By 9pm Adri needed to go - she really wasn't very well - I on the other hand was getting probably about my 4th/5th 'wind' of the day. Also I don't see these guys very often; was having fun and felt especially naughty because it was a school night. I decided to stay.
As the evening and the Cuba Libres progressed, Frans and I decided a little dancing was in order and that we should get others to join us. I picked a fairly attractive Ecuadorian girl for him and he picked...A REALLY UGLY GERMAN GUY FOR ME - cheers Frans, mate! I pointed out his misdemeanor (after dancing with the poor confused guy - briefly!). Frans and I danced a little more and then decided to cause mischief elsewhere!
I returned to the bar - my order was...'A small sensible Cuba Libre for myself and a large silly Canoan Cuba Libre for Frans...'
Amazingly, four drinks appeared - I realised later that it was 2 for 1 on Cuba Libres, but at the time it seemed quite magical! Jon (lovely chap behind the bar), kindly colour coded the straws so I knew which were mine and which were for Frans. Later I got in to the habit of just ordering one drink and giving Frans the spare one - he was a happy chappy!
I was having a marvellous time being silly with Frans; chatting with Maija and introducing myself to new people I didn't know in the bar!
At some point, at an unspecified time, dancing on the bar seemed like a marvellous endeavour. (Yup...I know, really not sensible behaviour for a school night, but I was having SO MUCH FUN!)
I intended to go clubbing - but in the time it took me to say goodbye to all my new found friends and pay the bar tab, I'd lost them. At this point I should have got into a taxi and gone home - unfortunately my sensible head was not in evidence on Wednesday night...so I went back into the pub for another half hour or so. Have to be honest I really don't know what the time was by that point but I'm absolutely certain I was beyond caring! I'm also safe in the knowledge that I was being very witty and entertaining!
At an unspecified time before dawn, I got home - thank you Mr Taximan!
As you can imagine, Thursday morning came around far too quickly and the thought of going to school was not really my preferred option. So, I skived - bad Fi! I texted all the relevant people and thought all was done and dusted. Until I got a phone call just before 9am - they needed my desk keys and my classroom assistant was coming around to get them - sheesh!
Ooops, hang on a minute, missed a bit of the story. My friend Sanne called at 6am, YES, 6AM! To tell me that she had arrived at terminal terrestre in Quito - my response after working out who it was, wasn't entirely favourable and she said she'd call back in a few hours. I was pretty pissed off by the call - I know it was her time of arrival, and had I checked facebook the night before, I would have known of her impending arrival. But even so - 6AM!
Now, after Carolina left, Sanne rang again - she was about to get a taxi to Cumbaya. By this point I knew that I was not gonna be allowed to sleep and that this was my penance for staying off school. I headed off to meet her at about 9.30am at Supermaxi, where I also purchased suitable fry up ingredients.
After food and tea, I was feeling considerably more human again and settled in to a lovely relaxing day with Sanne - catching up on the times since we last saw each other in Buenos Aires. (I did have pangs of guilt every now and again and only fully relaxed after 3pm, when the school day was officially over).
On Friday I went to school, where several people asked if I was okay after falling over - apparently this was the story going round of why I hadn't been in the previous day. It was tricky, I told people I hadn't slept well; felt shit; bit of a dodgy tum. All true, but all hangover related. I also felt really bad because Claire has had a really bad fall and was on hefty painkillers and Adriana had bad sinuses. Ho hum!
Obviously, I don't usually go out on a Wednesday night and get into a state that means missing school the next day and it's not something I intend to make a habit of...but it did do me good! Also considering the amount I remember, I can't of been that bad.
*I didn't get the promotion, but not because of my drunken antics. I apparently gave the best interview (so Justin tells me), but they really want me to continue working on the curriculum role that I took on earlier this year. I am happy to do this and apparently will actually be given regular time to devote to improving the curriculum in the primary school - WOOHOO!
**If anyone from work reads this...umm...sorry!
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
The past has passed
The shadows followed me today; whispering in my ear; scratching my heart; searing my soul.
Tonight I read a beautiful book which has chased the shadows away. The story is of a child who is different, he hears and sees things of which most are not aware. A tiger enters his life and sets him free. I don't want to say too much because I think this is a book that should be read, savoured and enjoyed. It is called 'Secret Heart', by David Almond.
Now, once more, my road is clear and the future beckons.
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Return to Canoa
Canoa - The Beach
Originally uploaded by Fiwit
Last Thursday, after a hectic week of writing reports and trying to get some last minute knowledge into the kids before their SATs this week, I made my way back to Canoa.
This time I was travelling with Adriana and we had decided that the bus was not our chosen means of transport. We went in style by plane and taxi...well in reality we got in a tiny plane and then had a very hairy taxi ride to Bahia, from which we got a boat and then another taxi to Canoa.
We giggled loudly on the plane - I was fuelled by sleep deprivation and caffeine - always a fun combination! Later we were pretty terrified in the taxi and did not enjoy the smell of the many fish factories that we passed. However we did enjoy the glimpses we saw of Ecuadorian life as we whizzed through villages.
We arrived at about 9pm to Hostel Coca Loca and got our key from Mark who recognised me from the last time I was there. Tis lovely to return to places where people recognise you and know you!
We were knackered and didn't stay out too late - well that was my plan. However when Ursula reappeared at about 2am and woke me up, we ended sitting up till about 5am putting the world to rights!
Friday morning didn't really happen for me as I finally caught up with much needed sleep, but Adri went off to the local school to show some lovely people how to teach.
The school is non-for-profit and only recently been started. Some of you may remember me talking about it before. They have had real trouble attracting teachers as they can't offer much of a wage, so it is being run by people with good intentions and not much knowledge.
Adri returned wishing that she could parcel everything up in her classroom and send it to these kids. We have decided to go shopping next weekend to buy these kids some essentials like crayons, paint and paper.
Friday afternoon was spent lolling around on the beach and having a bit of a swim.
On Friday evening we wandered into several bars and I ended up having a 'dance off' with Elizabeth (lovely owner of Coca Loca) in the middle of the street! We had quite an audience of locals (local guys) and eventually decided we had both met our match and it was a draw. It was lots of fun!!
Yesterday, I woke up thinking that even if I'd had to go home then, I stil would have felt it had been a good holiday. Another relaxing day followed, with a spot of shopping, swimming, reading and eating.
Part of me felt like I should party last night, but the rest of me was very happy to have a few beers, good conversation and a relatively early night (well about 1am, I think).
Today we mooched up to the school where they were having a fundraiser. I donated $40 and was told that this will keep two kids in the school for two months - amazing, especially considering the amount the parents pay for kids to go to our school.
This afternoon, Adri, Liz and I went for a ride along the beach. I'm still a little nervous of riding, so wasn't overly happy when cantering early on. However we soon settled into a walk with a bit of a trot every now and again. I'm glad to be getting my confidence back after all these years of not riding.
At 4pm we headed back towards the airport. I was not looking forward to the taxi from Bahia after out 'grand theft auto' journey on Thursday night. However we had a much better driver and we got to see the beautiful countryside we were travelling through. I was mightily chuffed to see deciduous trees in this part of Ecuador. I have no idea what species they were, but just their presence made me feel good.
Got back home just before 10pm, feeling relaxed, sleepy and like I've had a proper break - marvellous!
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Dreams, things I like, and hopes...
A little after getting up I saw a photo that added to the feeling of being out of kilter.
However, luckily there was also a text from Yvette...a text chat ensued with an arrangement to meet for lunch. I already had plans to meet Adri, so we all had lunch in Cumbaya and afterwards we got the bus to Quito.
Once in Quito, the shopping began...a little slowly at first which started to make me feel despondent again, but I perked up no end when Adri passed me a very pretty dress to try on.
A new dress can do marvellous things...two and a half years ago in Copenhagen I found a dress that made me feel like a million dollars and I feel I may now have found the one to take it's place. It's pretty and sexy, can be dressed down with jeans or dressed up.
After the success of the shopping we went to meet some more friends - a couple of girls we met at a party about a month ago. On the way we decided more food was necessary(shopping is tiring work!) and we popped into a really good Mexican which also happens to have a seriously good looking guy working there.
It was lovely to catch up with the girls again and really good for both of us to be with people we don't work with! A few beers followed.
At about 8.30pm we headed towards home (well Adri did), I got dropped off to meet Ursula - where fun, more drinkies and some dancing commenced!
Jim (bless him) came to join us and I regaled him with what a marvellous day I was having!
In the end there was just the guys who own the bar, myself, Ursula and her fella - so we put on any music we liked, danced a lot more and chatted. I laughed loads and a huge grin in my face.
At one point though, the conversation turned to love. Ursula was adamant that the kind of love our parents share (in my case) and shared in hers, no longer existed. Her parents story is an amazing one of love and patience.
I, on the other hand, do believe in love. I have been lucky enough to love and be loved. I truly hope it will happen for me again and that the next one may be the one that lasts the distance - who knows? Even though my previous loves have not ended in marriage, they have all been important to my life in different ways. I don't know when love will come again and I'm not actively looking for it. I just hope that at some point in my life, the time will be right and I will find it again.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
I'm tired of the crap that bubbles not too far from the surface at school. I still enjoy my actual job of teaching the kids but the school is a frustrating place to be in. I ended up losing my temper with Justin yesterday which has never happened before, but I'm fed up. Fed up that I'm still doing SATs out here when I'd much rather be teaching other things. Annoyed that although we do them I'm told not to make too big a deal of them - I'm sorry but they are a big deal to the kids who take them and they are a big deal to me. I may not like putting kids through tests, but if I am to do it, then I will do it properly and professionally. I will prepare the kids so that they know what to expect and aren't terrified. I can't decided how much support should be provided within the tests. Back in the UK I would have readers for my lower ability kids - but here I don't know if I can trust the people who read not to tell the kids the answers. I know all of the kids are capable of accessing the tests at appropriate levels, so should I give them extra time or readers - I just don't know.
I'm pissed off that I have to write reports again in the next two weeks before I do the SATs - once a year is bad enough - thank god I've only got twelve kids. What can I write about them that I haven't already written? What can I say that hasn't already been said in meetings?
I'm unimpressed that the school sports day has been arranged for the Friday of the week that I do the SATs - this means I have to either carry them into another week or change the timetable and order of how they should be sat. Maybe I'm being too rigid in my thinking about the timetable, but it all just seems thoughtless and badly planned.
One of the things that bugs me the most is the lack of interaction and support between the primary and secondary school - we're on the same site, yet there is bugger all transition for my kids.
All schools have there problems but this one is really getting to me at the mo.
I know it's because I'm tired, stressed, homesick and fed up. Now that the end of the year is within my sight I just want to get back home and see all the people who are so important to me. I want to be recharged and renewed. I want to start thinking about my next move...wherever that may be.
Okay I think my rant is over now. Do I feel better? Yes a little.
Monday, 11 May 2009
An eventful evening...
Adriana and I escaped from school (after a few stalling incidents - much to Justin's amusement) and headed to Cumbaya to have a massage. The massage was incredibly good and relaxing. Feeling rather molten inside we decided to treat ourselves to sushi.
All was going brilliantly - me and the car were getting to know each other and becoming more confident in each others abilities. Additionally, Adri and I were having a very nice girly time.
We took the scenic route home...not intentionally but it was rather good and I now know even more of my local area. After I dropped her off the trouble began...
First the car started to kangaroo, then it lost power and stopped - I managed to start it again (this occurred about three times). I decided to chance it on the main road and all was going well...car was revving and accelerating away...until it stopped, on the main road and wouldn't start again. Bugger!
Luckily it was in the evening so although there was traffic haring past me, it was totally jam packed. I was scared though - Ecuadorians are not known for their careful driving and I felt very vulnerable. I called Adri to go, 'What the fuck...?' Luckily she had Peter's number so I called him. Then I had to wait for him to come and rescue me...
Large trucks and buses thundered past me; cars hooted; all I could do was sit and wait.
We tried to restart the battery with jump leads, but it was to no avail. So...what to try next...well, Peter rang Andy to see if he had a tow rope. Thankfully he did and drove out to us - who would have thought Andy would be my night in shining armour?! (Well his car is white - so I guess that's a sort of modern day white steed!)
I was too nervous to sit in the bug as it was towed, so Andy let me drive his car. The difference between the bug and the 4x4 was incredible. I felt much safer and it was really easy to drive. We took the bug to Pete's mechanic and then he drove me home - very apologetically. Finally got in at about 10pm.
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Major catch up time...
Mum and Dad left on Friday, having been back for another 5 days. They had an amazing time in Peru and came back very happy, relaxed and full of stories. We had a lovely few days where I got to enjoy Mum's cooking (as did Fritha and family); dinner with friends; shopping and lots and lots of hugs.
I really didn't want them to go on Friday...I've kept pretty busy all weekend and I guess the loneliness is starting to sink in. I have had fun this weekend though - I finally caught up with Ursula, someone I've been wanting to get to know more for ages. We had a very silly Friday night which ended with me staying at hers...Friday kinda rolled into Saturday with more beers and girlie chats. It's felt like a proper bank holiday weekend!
I really hate saying goodbye to people...apparently it gets easier with more practise. I guess that's something I'll find out over time.
I guess I need to think about what happened in the rest of the Easter hols which is already receding as life gets caught back in the work trap.
The rest of the Galapagos trip was amazing we visited Floreana where we saw flamingoes and learnt about Post Office Bay. The highlight for me on that day was snorkelling around the Devil's Crown. Having overcome my fear the day before, I was now in the middle of the sea snorkelling around a volcanic crater. The sea was beautifully clear and I saw masses of angelfish. We even saw sharks lurking down near the bottom!
I amused people in the afternoon of this day - we were all having some freetime in Post Office Bay and I decided to set up camp under some bushes. It was so hot and I really couldn't be bothered with the whole suntan cream palaver. I also wanted to continue reading my book, 'The Last Concubine' - I had had difficulty putting it down! I created my own little hobbithole!
Our penultimate day in the Galapagos was spent on Española. Many boobys of differing types; wave albatross; marine iguanas (looking like mini dinosaurs!) and lots of sealions. I really liked the sealions...the females and young all snuggle up to each other on the beach. The baby ones were particularly gorgeous. Sadly though, Dad refused to give in to my pleadings to be allowed a baby sealion. (Heehee - I had warned them that I would regress by being on holiday with them.)
The last morning was spent on San Cristobal before flying back to Quito. One of my favourite moments was when the Scottish lass stated on the last night that she thought I was getting quite a good colour on my arms...only someone from Scotland could have thought that!
Back in Quito we went out for curry with some of our companions and made our goodbyes (so much easier to say goodbye to people that you've only known for few days!)
We woke up on Easter Monday and decided to venture up to the Teleferico (a cable car that goes up the side of Pichincha). The views from the top were pretty stunning even though it was a hazy day! We decided that we liked this mode of transport for getting up mountians!
On Monday afternoon we made our way back to Cumbaya in the midst of a huge storm. Dad and I had gone back to the hotel to get our stuff whilst Mum sipped coffee and waited for us to appear with a taxi. We got utterly soaked - but did laugh all the way back to the hotel. I'm sure there were quite a few people who saw us who thought 'crazy gringos'.
The next day I braved driving for the first time in Ecuador. We headed for Ppallacta for some pampering and relaxation. The road was quiet which was good as I needed to reacquaint myself with driving after a break of 8 months, add to that driving on the wrong side of the road - luckily it is a road I know reasonably well.
In the spa Dad seemed a little confused, within 5 minutes of getting into the pool he was wondering what he was meant to do. Meanwhile Mum and I chatted and laughed! Luckily Dad did seem to get the hang of thermal pools later on when Mum and I were having a massage, he made friends with a Kuwaiti general!
Papallacta was definitely more of a Mum than a Dad day, so I promised we would go volcano hunting the next day!
Wednesday started fairly bright when we set off towards the route of the volcanoes. There were several things that would have made the journey easier:
- A decently scaled road map
- Regular roadsigns
- Diversions in place when roads are closed due to roadworks
- Better weather
On the way back another road was missed, luckily instinct and vague knowledge took over and I got us home. There were a few moments of nervousness on this journey - people, particularly buses cut you up all the time. However it reminded me of how much I enjoy driving and I'm now on the lookout for a car!
The last day before the parents went to Peru was fairly quiet and uneventful. It was strange when they left at 5.30am the next morning - I dealt with it using the same tactics as this time - I went out.
Okay...I think that's pretty much what happened in the right order!
My favourite quotes from Mum and Dad were:
Dad: 'Oh, I'm being silly!'
Mum: 'That's because you are silly!'
So I believe I've caught up on the past few weeks.
I'm off to Baños with my class on Tuesday, so I'm sure there'll be a few stories to tell after that!
Friday, 17 April 2009
Easter Hols - Part 1
Saturday 4th April...
Me, Mum and Dad headed up to Quito and I showed them around the Mariscal and the old town. They really liked the old town, but we did get caught in the inevitable rain!
Sunday 5th April...
We went to Otavalo, however Dad was not interested in seeing 'another market', so we got straight into a taxi and headed for Cuicoccha lake. The taxi driver was fairly annoying so we decided not to have him wait for us.
We went on the boat ride on the lake which Mum and Dad loved and had a very good lunch! It was quite strange going back there having been in August when I first arrived...so much has happened since then!
Mum and Dad have now experienced the wonders of the Ecuadorian bus system - we got out as soon as we could in Quito and got a taxi!
Tuesday 7th April...
Our destination was Quito again, for a night in the Hotel Amazonas, before heading to the Galapagos in the morning.
We're weren't overly impressed at the 'welcome' meeting when we discovered we were all supposed to wear matching t-shirts for the flight! The group of people all seemed really nice - however there were no gorgeous men for me - ho hum!
In the evening we had dinner with Yvette and Lazaro which was really lovely. Unfortunately all the bars/restaurants in the Mariscal area have music blaring out, so it was pretty hard for Dad to hear anything. I think Mum has a bit of a crush on Lazaro - haha!
Wednesday 8th April...
Breakfast at 6am before heading off to the airport at 7am!
The flight was uneventful, with a brief stop in Guayaquil on route.
Stepping off the plans on Baltra island, the heat rose up to meet you. I made my way towards the queue for national tourists as I have residency and therefore don't have to pay the full entrance fee of $100.
A kind gentleman in the queue pointed to the international queue. 'Yo tengo residencia,' I told him - he was most apologetic. I was surprised by how nervous I felt. I knew that I had the right to be in that line but also thought that my residency might be questioned or I might be asked complicated questions in Spanish.
By the time I reached the desk I was shaking like a leaf - I can't remember the last time I shook like that (which is a good thing!). It was all fine - I needn't have worried. I paid $6 to get into the Galapagos National Park.
We were whisked off on a bus, a boat and another bus to Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island. The journey was mostly silent as we all took in the beauty of our surroundings - the greeness of trees; hills in the distance; the wonder of being in the Galapagos.*
After lunch on the boat, we headed to the Darwin Station to meet Lonesome George. We bumped into my friend Jen on the way which was really lovely. I like going to obscure places and knowing someone there!
Mum was chuffed to pieces to see so many tortoises - although we did agree it was a bit like a tortoise zoo and that maybe Lonesome George would be a lot happier back on his own island. However it is good that they are breeding more tortoises to release into the wild.
Our guide imparted information to our group, including the fact that I apparently live in the most expensive part of Ecuador!
Afterwards we met Jen for a drink, then back to the boat for dinner.
An early night was had by all - in my case in an attempt to ignore the rocking motion of the boat.
A word about the trip:
It was more organised than a school residential! T-shirt, rules, kit list, appropriate amount of spending money!
Thursday 9th April...
I awoke at 3.45am as the anchor was lowered and sleep was fitful after that. My alarm went off at 5.30am. Not realising, I got up and saw the sunrise - beautiful.
The next hour or so was fairly rocky - trying my best not to be sick!
After breakfast we headed on to South Plazas (or Plaza Isla Sur) where we were greeted by a very territorial male sealion. We also saw: land iguanas, blue footed boobys, lizards, more sealions, and swallowtailed gulls.
Our guide, Willo, informed me that he was happy for me to correct his English, but not in the hearing of anyone else!
Back on the boat for lunch and to set sail for Santa Fe. I also had a couple of much needed siestas, both before and after lunch!
At Santa Fe, we went snorkelling. I never enjoyed this as a child - but decided to give it a go. At first I had the same panicky feeling that I remembered from childhood and thought I wouldn't be able to do it - I almost gave up. Then Dad pointed out a shoal of fish and after several attempts I found I had control of my breathing.
At the second snorkelling site I swam with sealions which was amazing! Some were quite playful and some were really shy.
At the third site we saw sea turtles - fantastic!
After a reasonable respite we went walking on Santa Fe and met lots of sealions - the babies were particularly cute.
The evening brought an orange moon and beautiful sunset. Time to relax and recharge.
*To see photos, go here!
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Estoy un poco triste...
Tonight I'm feeling a little sad because Mum and Dad head off to Peru tomorrow - I wish I could go with them. I'm glad that they will be back again for five more days after that part of their adventure.
Also, had the hangover of a bad dream hanging around all day - not good.
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Chilling with me folks!
It's all good!!
Thursday's reunion was emotional, as I knew it would be. Waiting at the airport I was very glad to have the company of Roy & Kay, especially as the flight was delayed by an hour. As soon as I saw Mum and Dad, I rushed over to hug them.
Many more hugs have followed - well I have got 8 months to catch up on!
Last night we went to Cactus to listen to the jazz, eat, and celebrate the fact that we are on holiday (helped by quite a few of my friends from school). It was a lot of fun and probably the first time I've been a bit tiddly with my parents since I was a teenager!
Today we headed up to Quito to peruse the market stalls and explore. The morning was spent in the Mariscal area and this afternoon in the old town - I wanted to show Mum and Dad the many contrasts you can observe in Quito.
It really is lovely having them here, I have missed them so much. I am really looking forward to the rest of our adventures.
Thursday, 2 April 2009
The day has finally arrived!
I have been waiting for this day for so long, I'm so glad it's finally here.
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Weird Sleep Patterns
After work today I spoke to Mum and Dad (who are as excited as me about their arrival on Thursday!). Then I thought I'd have a little lie down to give me some energy for Andy's party. Next thing I knew it was 10.30pm. Now it's nearly 1.45am and I haven't been able to sleep again.
Been feeling stressed with lots of things to do at work...partly my own fault for not getting on and doing bits of paperwork as and when. I don't seem to be quite so good at being organised as I was for a lot of years - or maybe it's just that I don't need to be anymore.
Funny things have been happening since I got here...I've rediscovered drinking and the fact it can be good fun and doesn't always lead to throwing up! I've been to a football match and am going to another one on Sunday.* And I haven't been quite so strict on the vegetarian front!
Exciting things that have happened this week:
- Latitude ticket has been purchased
- One of my photos from last year's Latitude is going to be published by Rough Guide
- I went out to an awesome new salsa night in Quito on Wednesday night. It was great fun and it did my soul good to dance!
I can't wait to hug Mum and Dad on Thursday!
*Actually not just any football match, but a World Cup qualifier, Ecuador v Brazil. I'm going to cheer for the team with the best looking players I think.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Old Photos...
Looking back at the photos from 2004 these are the thoughts I have:
- My god, I was slim.
- My god, I had no idea of the size I was.
- Part of me wishes I wasn't the size I am now and could turn the clock back to being that size.
- I remember the insecurities I had then which are a lot less now.
- Emotional remembering the night of New Year's Eve 2004, when Ritchie spent most of the night looking at Kelly's arse - which really didn't help my insecurity. Also the night when I was enjoying driving so much, I backed into Myles' truck and broke the light!
- Also memories of a really lovely night spent with good friends back at Lou's house after the Cider Shed.

For years I struggled with how I looked, not really understanding or knowing how I did look. I knew that I wasn't large because of the size clothes I was wearing. Yet when I looked in the mirror it was not the slim Fi that I now see in photos that I saw then. Since my size has got bigger again I have found it hard at times but have tried, since I got to Ecuador, not to get hung up on it as I have done in the past. However it is difficult somedays. I know that I am not really badly overweight or huge. I also know that if I do more exercise and exercise more control around food I will lose weight. In addition I know that weight issues are something that I watched my Mum struggle with as I grew up and I can't help but feel that I maybe it's something I worry about more because of that.
Anyway writing it down helps.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Bad Penny Update...
In case you're wondering, Waller and Harvey are off to Colombia tomorrow...look out Colombia!
A great weekend!
On Friday night, I went to 'Cantos de Libertad' (Songs of Freedom) at the Coliseo Ruminahui. To be honest I wasn't entirely sure what I was going to, but my Spanish teacher, Leo, was very enthusiastic and I thought it would be good to do something different! I went with Nicki, Tom, Tori and her brother Nick. It was nice to be heading out with different people from school.
The concert was great. I found it really interesting seeing how the crowd reacted to the bands; there was a lot of screaming and cheering! (It was almost as if there were a boy band there!) Leo was thoroughly enjoying it and singing along with many of the songs.

Most excitingly, at one point I was interviewed by Ecuador's answer to Ali G (well it looked like he styled himself in that fashion). Frankly I didn't have a clue what he said to me and just hope that I don't turn up on some stupid TV show as the entertaining 'gringa' at the concert!

We headed home at about 11.30pm because we were all shattered.
Yesterday I went to Papallacta with nine other people from school. We were booked into two cabañas situated around private thermal baths. It was just what was needed to recharge our batteries - this was also helped by having a treatment package in the spa, which included being blasted by a high powered jet of water and having an oriental massage (based on Chinese acupressure points). Although both were a little painful at times, they also left me feeling relaxed and revived.
It was fun to be with people from work and we all had a really good laugh - often at Justin's expense, it's great having a boss who accepts you taking the piss out of him! It was also really cool to see Christine, she's always good fun.
I spent twenty four hours relaxing, eating good food and enjoying good company.
I do like spending time with the people I work with like this, but I do struggle with the idea of committing myself to spending every weekend with them. I'm not used to having such a small circle of people around me. I like to be a butterfly flitting about...I like feeling free and unpressured.
I've also been thinking more about how this term has been for me and it has been harder than the first term in a lot of ways. However I know that this usually is the term that I find most difficult, regardless of where I am.
I've made a conscious effort to shout less in my class in the past few weeks which has resulted in me and the kids having a lot more fun and them working harder. I know that I was feeling down before - for various reasons: my foot; missing people; wanting to travel; just wanting my Mum and Dad to be here; loneliness. All very valid reasons, but it affected how I was with the kids, and that's not fair on them - although they were not putting in as much effort either. However since the laughter has been much more present in the classroom, the kids have been producing much better work.
I feel like I'm going into next week feeling pretty good about things - it probably helps that there are only two more weeks of term and that Mum and Dad's arrival seems much more tangible now.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Friends, old and new...
I met up with them again later that day in Quito - they'd gone off to be organised at about 11.30am, whilst I'd pottered about gently calling my family and such like. However I rediscovered them at about 2.00pm drinking in Plaza Foch! (Although they had gone and booked their jungle tour first!)
I was also with two of my newer friends, Adriana and Lani. The three of us headed off to shop with the plan to meet Chris and Kate at 6.30pm for dinner.
To cut the story short, I bought a new dress and a pressie for my brother-in-law Stu. Had a lovely time with the girls.
Dinner with Kate, Chris and the girlies was lovely - however it was also tinged with sadness because I knew it was the last time I would see me lovely old mates for a very long time. They had tried to persuade me to go with them and believe me I was sorely tempted - but I have resposibilities here and I'm not about to walk out on the commitment that I have made. Both Kate and I were close to tears when we said goodbye.
Spending time with the pair of them away from Norfolk has just been absolutely amazing. It has affirmed our friendship in so many ways. It has been an absolute hoot! Already I miss them.
I know that I am incredibly lucky to have all the amazing friends that I have and tonight I am missing each and everyone of you. I wish more of you could come and visit.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Waterfalls, but no kittens!
Initially my main reason for returning to Baños was to check out the hotel, facilities and possible activities for my class' residential trip in May. However soon after arriving I realised that I was acually going to spend a weekend being spoilt rotten by Sasha and her family.
The Sangay Hotel is the oldest hotel in Baños and is a very stylish establishment. I had a very comfortable double room which would usually cost $80 a night - I'm a lucky gal though and was staying in it for free. On Friday night we were treated to dinner, with the possibility of a three course meal - I decided to go for soup and a salad! An early night soon followed!
Saturday morning dawned bright and sunny. I made my way to breakfast - a gastronomical feast: a wide variety of fruits; cereals; breads; eggs cooked to order in front of you! Jean and the kids were already there, so I joined them and we discussed possible activities for the day. My first priority was to discuss my residential trip with the hotel operations manager. However Sasha's Dad, Brian, had other ideas and offered to take us all on a tour of the waterfalls - it was too good an offer to be passed up!
The waterfalls were beautiful. First we stopped by Cascada Agoyan - here I experienced the thrill of flying over a waterfall in a cable car! It was brillant! (If a little hairy to begin with). The second waterfall visit was to Pailon de Diablo in Rio Verde. Here we walked down through lush vegetation, always surrounded by the noise of water. As we drew nearer to the waterfall, I became incredibly aware of the energy of water. Brian was an excellent guide giving us much interesting information about the area. People passed us looking quite wet, but I'd decided not to take a jacket - knowing it would just make me feel hotter. We walked to the viewpoint area and the feel of the spray on my face was wonderful.
Waterfalls are incredible and the Pailon del Diablo is the most powerful I have ever seen. I have always loved them and the idea of them, this passion is certainly being fuelled in Ecuador! It is possible to crawl up through a crack created by an eruption to the top of the waterfall and stand behind it - I have always wanted to go behind a waterfall, so was very excited about this possibility. However, as I crawled on my hands and knees, and bumped my head, I started to feel quite claustrophobic. I always forget that I can get claustrophobic because it is only on very rare occasions that I am in such cramped situations. I persevered though and luckily the tunnel wasn't too long. At the top it was amazing - I got absolutely soaked - it was great! Luckily the tunnel wasn't so bad on the way out.
We made our way out of the valley and back to the hotel for lunch, followed for me by a mud treatment and massage. Well, I'm worth it and decided some pampering was what I needed! Chillout time followed and a little bit of internet action - I discovered that Pete and Sha were also in Baños and we arranged to meet at 7.30pm. I was very excited because I really wanted to see them again. However there was a slight flaw to our plan, a case of mistaken identity. I waited for them in Casa Hood, whilst they waited for me in Cafe Hood. We all waited for some time, but by the time I spoke to Claire to find out if there were two places named 'Hood', Pete and Sha had gone a wandering. Messages on facebook showed that I'd probably missed them by minutes - damn!
I decided to head to The Leprachaun bar, I went there before when I was in Baños with Claire. On arriving, I was immediately accosted by William the guy on the door. He'd decided I was his girlfriend for the evening and there didn't seem to be a lot I could do with about it. I enjoyed dancing - particularly salsaing, but was not quite so keen on his macho posteuring and attempts to stick his tongue down my throat. I spotted two English girls and a guy come in and decided that they were my escape route! They headed out to the outside bar and it was not long before I followed them.
I bounced over to them and gave a big, friendly, "Hello!"
"Hello," exclaimed one of the girls, "You ignored me in Tena." This baffled me somewhat, I knew that she looked vaguely familiar, but didn't remember seeing her in Tena - I intimated this. Laura told me that she'd been in Buenos Aires and stated to her friends that I'd 'pulled' the fittest bloke at the hostel - this I couldn't deny! (Hahahaha!) I also let her know that he'd taken me out for dinner, etc. Ok, yes, I was showing off a little, but it was doing wonders for my self esteem! Turned out that one of her friend's had had a huge crush on him! It was actually really lovely to talk to someone who had met Mr Buenos Aires! Most hilarious quote of the evening has to be, "You're famous in South America!"
Laura, Helen and Rob were great fun - tequila shots followed and we laughed and danced a lot. As escape routes went, it'd definitely been a good choice. Amazingly, I had two mojitos and three tequilas and was still feeling relatively normal! Laura on the other hand was bouncing off walls, people, etc. (she did have more tequilas than me though!) Eventually we walked her back to the hostel and as it was really close to my hotel I decided to head to bed.
On Sunday, after another splendid breakfast, Brian took us up to the viewpoint to look at Tungarahua. He pointed out the refuge - when it was visible through the clouds. However the top of Tungarahua still eluded me.
I finally got round to discussing details of my residential trip at about 1.00pm! At 3.00pm we left Baños to return home. Sadly Sasha wasn't feeling well, so her parents very kindly asked one of their employees to drive us home. I couldn't thank Sasha and her parents enough, they were so generous.
The drive home was an experience in itself - the guy was a very good driver, but he also overtook cars when there were other ones coming towards us. It was a bit scary sitting in the front, luckily I slept quite a bit.
Back in Cumbaya, Kate was waving excitedly from my window - a great welcome home!
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Out and about with Waller and Harvey!
I arrived a few minutes early whilst they were a few minutes late. I'm sure there were several guys in Coffee Tree who thought I was checking them out as I scanned about! Suddenly there they were, looking colourful, tanned and very relaxed. There were big hugs all round and a few watery eyes.
I then astounded Kate by having a beer, followed by about three more over the course of the evening (which also included a curry!). It was so lovely to catch up with them and we arranged to meet after work the next day so that they could come and stay for the weekend. Kate was a little bemused by my directions of 'Supermaxi, Cumbaya' (the easiest place to find near to my apartment), but was pleased to discover that the taxi driver on Friday did understand what she meant!
Friday afternoon/evening was spent chilling and munching, followed by a trip to Cactus and the pub. Kate and Chris got on really well with everyone and got very excited when there was talk of a football match in Quito on Saturday night. I thought...why not, it's something that I haven't done before!
Kate also indulged in a few cocktails and promptly invited a whole gang over for Sunday lunch (she was contrite the next day and apologised - I thought it was hilarious, plus they were going to do all the cooking!).
Saturday was spent showing them around Cumbaya. In the afternoon we got picked up by Ben and Claire and taken to the Deportivo Quito vs Liga match. Ben supports Deportivo, so we went into their end of the ground. To be honest, both Kate and I thought it looked a lot more fun at the Liga end - there was a lot more cheering, drumming, jumping up and down, throwing of flares...
Hmmm, maybe that was something to with the fact that they won 4-0!
Best quote of the game must of been when I turned to Kate and informed her she'd popped my football cherry - much laughter followed.
My favourite part of the match was probably right at the end. They don't let fans from opposing sides out at the same time, so we had to wait (with the need to pee becoming more and more evident amongst the girlies - wee dances were almost occurring!). Eventually we were allowed into the tunnel, where all the Deportivo fans started drumming and cheering - it was really cool. I enjoyed a bit of a dance to the drums! We also amused the security guards who let us into the men's toilets - there was no way through to the women's.
So thoughts on football...well...it was a fun thing to do; there were lots of elaborate falls (mostly by Liga players who seemed to fall over their own feet quite reguarly); next time I'd be at the Liga end (sorry Ben). Blimey, I just put next time! Haha!
Sunday lunch occurred with seven and a half people around my dinner table (the half being Fritha's little boy Sam). It was really lovely and I really didn't have to do much at all. I did contribute a little with some hummus and pudding. Also what was great was the quite complex dance we all performed around my kitchen as we prepared our different parts of the meal. There wasn't one moment of getting in each others way - great teamwork.
It was a very relaxing Sunday afternoon.
Waller and Harvey are now at large in Ecuador, look out Ecuador!
Friday, 27 February 2009
Couchsurfers, The Jungle and Laptop Meltdown!
Last week I had Pete and Sha to stay, a lovely pair of English types who contacted me through Couchsurfers. They arrived last Tuesday and we all hit it off straight away! In fact we all got on so well that we sat up talking to midnight every night. They are such a lovely couple, who have spent the last 6 years travelling and working around the world - I was inspired!
It was really lovely having people to stay and whilst I told them about what I've been up to since I arrived here and what plans I have for the future, it made me realise again that being out here is a really brilliant thing. I had fell into a bit of a humdrum routine of work and having buggered my foot I was kinda forgetting about just how wonderful it is to be here.
Pete and Sha helped me a great deal, not just on that front. They cooked me a fantastic dinner; Sha gave me reiki - which was wonderful; Pete tried to fix my computer (after it suffered a nervous breakdown last Friday night).
I felt so comfortable with them that I happily left them staying in my house, whilst I went away for the weekend.
I had hoped to get to the coast last weekend to catch up with various friends. However the roads and the weather were against me - landslides al over the place! So a 'Plan B' was formulated by Jim and Paul. Ater school last Friday we headed up to Papallacta - place of the original staff training and thermal baths! We didn't stay in the same place, but a cheaper hostel down the road. It was nice to soak into a huge hot bath, but I was sooo tired and wasn't feeling overly sociable. I was quite happy to watch and listen to the others. I was also feeling a little down about not being able to see my friends and had also received news that had made me feel far away from people I care about.
On Saturday we got the bus to Tena, along with lots of other people who'd had the same idea - unfortunately they got on earlier than us and had got all the seats. Luckily we only had to stand for about an hour of the three hour bus journey. Whilst on this bus journey I received a call from Pete and Sha to tell me about my laptop - I was gutted. My laptop is my lifeline. However I also knew it wasn't their fault and they stayed an extra day to try and fix it.
We arrived in Tena to find torrential rain and hurriedly got in a taxi to a hostel. Luckly Lani and Paul had sussed out a few place from a borrowd travel guide!
Tena itself wasn't overly exciting, it's basically a jump off point to more adventurous activities. We hung around for a couple of days, waiting to go into the jungle. Too be honest I was bored (forgot to take a book - DOH!). I also discovered that travel companions are not always what you expect. I had a fairly quiet couple of days.
On Monday we headed off for our jungle experience. We travelled for about 40 minutes and arrived at the edge of the jungle. We were meant to be being met by a boat to take us the 5 minute trip upstream to the lodge, but the guy wasn't there so we walked for 2o minutes instead. As soon as I found myself surrounded by trees, my heart lifted and my body relaxed. Nature - I love it and I needed a damn good fix.
The lodge was beautiful, wooden cabins beside the river. I instantly fell in love with the place, despite the humidity and insects.
We went for a few excursions by boat: to a museum where we observed traditional traps and had a go shooting with a blowpipe; to an animal sanctuary; then back to the lodge for lunch. At one point we ran aground and had to push the boat - but it was all quite amusing and I considered it to be part of my experience.
After a late lunch we went for a jungle walk for about 2 hours. It was lovely - our guide was incredibly knowledgable on the plants and animals. We also saw monkeys hiding in the trees which was fabulous having seen them in cages in the animal sanctuary.
After dinner I decided to tune the most battered and dusty guitar I think I have ever seen! Then Paul, Daniel (our guide) and me all took it in turns to play which was cool! Still need to increase my repertoire though!
Tuesday morning dawned with the wonderful sounds of the jungle. We went to see a local indigenous community. This was qiute weird as the adults of the village were out working. The photographer in me wanted to take photos of the children peeping out at us but I knew it wasn't appropriate. We felt like rich white tourists and that we were intruding. We did observe the farm of the community which was interesting and we ate cocoa seeds!
When we left the community we got into rubber tubes and floated back down the river to our lodge. That was my favourite part of the experience. It was so tranquil - apart from the bee which seemed to think I was a very large flower. We floated for about an hour - the water was perfect and it was brilliant to feel cool and refreshed. (I spent most of my time there dripping with sweat!)
Upon nearing the lodge, I had managed to get into the main current of the river and was very happy with the idea of floating away to wherever the river took me. However no-one seemd to take seriously my cries of, "Tell Justin you last saw me floating downstream on a tube!" So instead I had to swim to the side.
My time in the jungle was too short. I would really like to go on a longer trip and go deeper into the jungle. Perhaps in another location in Ecuador. It was a fabulous time which enabled me to recharge my batteries.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Valentine's Day...
There were a few memories buzzing around in my head, but they were actually worse on Friday night. Luckily Adriana was online and I went over to her's where we drank hot choc with brandy and watched a film.
Yesterday was another day of laziness. I pottered about at home all day, spoke to my folks, played guitar, etc. I had a couple of sweet messages from two old friends, wishing me a happy valentine's day - that was lovely!
Last night I caught up with friends and we went to the Teatre Sucre in the old town in Quito and saw excellent Cuban music. It was great and restored my faith that there is good music here too - something I'd been unsure of since my trip to Argentina. It was a seated concert, which was a bit of a shame because it is definitely music to dance too. I did attempt a small dance with Lazaro, but my salsa skills seem to have slipped with lack of practise. It was fun though.
I got a card by Edward Monkton from Caro today which seemed very appropriate and good advice!