Monday, 16 March 2009

Friends, old and new...

The bad pennies turned up again on Friday night and we proceeded to go out and get fairly drunk*. I had a great night and even if I say so myself, I was on top form! Much giggling ensued! Hilariously on Saturday morning, Kate accused me of being a bad influence (after all these years!!).

I met up with them again later that day in Quito - they'd gone off to be organised at about 11.30am, whilst I'd pottered about gently calling my family and such like. However I rediscovered them at about 2.00pm drinking in Plaza Foch! (Although they had gone and booked their jungle tour first!)

I was also with two of my newer friends, Adriana and Lani. The three of us headed off to shop with the plan to meet Chris and Kate at 6.30pm for dinner.

To cut the story short, I bought a new dress and a pressie for my brother-in-law Stu. Had a lovely time with the girls.

Dinner with Kate, Chris and the girlies was lovely - however it was also tinged with sadness because I knew it was the last time I would see me lovely old mates for a very long time. They had tried to persuade me to go with them and believe me I was sorely tempted - but I have resposibilities here and I'm not about to walk out on the commitment that I have made. Both Kate and I were close to tears when we said goodbye.

Spending time with the pair of them away from Norfolk has just been absolutely amazing. It has affirmed our friendship in so many ways. It has been an absolute hoot! Already I miss them.

I know that I am incredibly lucky to have all the amazing friends that I have and tonight I am missing each and everyone of you. I wish more of you could come and visit.

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