Sunday, 3 May 2009

Major catch up time...

Don't seem to have had much time recently for writing. So I guess I need to summarise what's been occurring...

Mum and Dad left on Friday, having been back for another 5 days. They had an amazing time in Peru and came back very happy, relaxed and full of stories. We had a lovely few days where I got to enjoy Mum's cooking (as did Fritha and family); dinner with friends; shopping and lots and lots of hugs.

I really didn't want them to go on Friday...I've kept pretty busy all weekend and I guess the loneliness is starting to sink in. I have had fun this weekend though - I finally caught up with Ursula, someone I've been wanting to get to know more for ages. We had a very silly Friday night which ended with me staying at hers...Friday kinda rolled into Saturday with more beers and girlie chats. It's felt like a proper bank holiday weekend!

I really hate saying goodbye to people...apparently it gets easier with more practise. I guess that's something I'll find out over time.

I guess I need to think about what happened in the rest of the Easter hols which is already receding as life gets caught back in the work trap.

The rest of the Galapagos trip was amazing we visited Floreana where we saw flamingoes and learnt about Post Office Bay. The highlight for me on that day was snorkelling around the Devil's Crown. Having overcome my fear the day before, I was now in the middle of the sea snorkelling around a volcanic crater. The sea was beautifully clear and I saw masses of angelfish. We even saw sharks lurking down near the bottom!

I amused people in the afternoon of this day - we were all having some freetime in Post Office Bay and I decided to set up camp under some bushes. It was so hot and I really couldn't be bothered with the whole suntan cream palaver. I also wanted to continue reading my book, 'The Last Concubine' - I had had difficulty putting it down! I created my own little hobbithole!

Our penultimate day in the Galapagos was spent on Española. Many boobys of differing types; wave albatross; marine iguanas (looking like mini dinosaurs!) and lots of sealions. I really liked the sealions...the females and young all snuggle up to each other on the beach. The baby ones were particularly gorgeous. Sadly though, Dad refused to give in to my pleadings to be allowed a baby sealion. (Heehee - I had warned them that I would regress by being on holiday with them.)

The last morning was spent on San Cristobal before flying back to Quito. One of my favourite moments was when the Scottish lass stated on the last night that she thought I was getting quite a good colour on my arms...only someone from Scotland could have thought that!

Back in Quito we went out for curry with some of our companions and made our goodbyes (so much easier to say goodbye to people that you've only known for few days!)

We woke up on Easter Monday and decided to venture up to the Teleferico (a cable car that goes up the side of Pichincha). The views from the top were pretty stunning even though it was a hazy day! We decided that we liked this mode of transport for getting up mountians!

On Monday afternoon we made our way back to Cumbaya in the midst of a huge storm. Dad and I had gone back to the hotel to get our stuff whilst Mum sipped coffee and waited for us to appear with a taxi. We got utterly soaked - but did laugh all the way back to the hotel. I'm sure there were quite a few people who saw us who thought 'crazy gringos'.

The next day I braved driving for the first time in Ecuador. We headed for Ppallacta for some pampering and relaxation. The road was quiet which was good as I needed to reacquaint myself with driving after a break of 8 months, add to that driving on the wrong side of the road - luckily it is a road I know reasonably well.

In the spa Dad seemed a little confused, within 5 minutes of getting into the pool he was wondering what he was meant to do. Meanwhile Mum and I chatted and laughed! Luckily Dad did seem to get the hang of thermal pools later on when Mum and I were having a massage, he made friends with a Kuwaiti general!

Papallacta was definitely more of a Mum than a Dad day, so I promised we would go volcano hunting the next day!

Wednesday started fairly bright when we set off towards the route of the volcanoes. There were several things that would have made the journey easier:

  1. A decently scaled road map
  2. Regular roadsigns
  3. Diversions in place when roads are closed due to roadworks
  4. Better weather
However despite these hindrances and several detours when we couldn't go the way we hoped or weren't where we thought we were, we eventually found ourselves in Cotopaxi National Park. However by this time the cloud had descended and there was not a chance of seeing the top of Cotopaxi. In true British style, we had a picnic in the car by the side of a lake and then drove home.

On the way back another road was missed, luckily instinct and vague knowledge took over and I got us home. There were a few moments of nervousness on this journey - people, particularly buses cut you up all the time. However it reminded me of how much I enjoy driving and I'm now on the lookout for a car!

The last day before the parents went to Peru was fairly quiet and uneventful. It was strange when they left at 5.30am the next morning - I dealt with it using the same tactics as this time - I went out.

Okay...I think that's pretty much what happened in the right order!

My favourite quotes from Mum and Dad were:

Dad: 'Oh, I'm being silly!'
Mum: 'That's because you are silly!'

So I believe I've caught up on the past few weeks.

I'm off to Baños with my class on Tuesday, so I'm sure there'll be a few stories to tell after that!

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