It's been a strange 24 hours of doubt and sadness. I received an email this morning which was like a virtual slap in the face. Memories from roads travelled before that made me question actions and choices that I have made. Along the road these choices must be made and sadly hurt, anger, bitterness and guilt sometimes follow like dark shadows from childish dreams. In the past year I have understood more about the effect my actions and choices have had on others, last night I tried to make amends and apologies. I have never wanted to cause pain or upset to others but I'm only me and I am very aware that I am not perfect. This morning I realised that the past must be left behind and be allowed to pass.
The shadows followed me today; whispering in my ear; scratching my heart; searing my soul.
Tonight I read a beautiful book which has chased the shadows away. The story is of a child who is different, he hears and sees things of which most are not aware. A tiger enters his life and sets him free. I don't want to say too much because I think this is a book that should be read, savoured and enjoyed. It is called 'Secret Heart', by David Almond.
Now, once more, my road is clear and the future beckons.
The shadows followed me today; whispering in my ear; scratching my heart; searing my soul.
Tonight I read a beautiful book which has chased the shadows away. The story is of a child who is different, he hears and sees things of which most are not aware. A tiger enters his life and sets him free. I don't want to say too much because I think this is a book that should be read, savoured and enjoyed. It is called 'Secret Heart', by David Almond.
Now, once more, my road is clear and the future beckons.
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