Tuesday, 21 October 2008


Why is it that one person can be completely different with two different people?

This morning I had a delivery of two happy CDs, which was lovely. Yet the same person has really upset some of my other colleagues. I've learnt my lesson from the past though...I'm not getting involved. I'll listen but that's it. Sadly though one of my colleagues has decided to resign and will be leaving as soon as a replacement can be found (which may be January).

I've spent today meeting parents for target setting with the kids. On the whole it's been a good day, but has made me quite concerned about the relationships between the boys in the class. There appears to be some bullying going on and I also feel that there is one kid who is used as a scapegoat, by parents as well as kids. I need to be more vigilant. I've asked the school psychologist to come in and speak to the class about appropriate play and what it means to be a good friend. I'm also going to lead part of the staff meeting next week on bullying and suggest that we have an anti-bullying week. I have support to do this and feel that it is hugely important in this macho, male dominated society. These kids come from highly privileged backgrounds, where many things are done for them and they have maids. I feel it's really important to 'nip this behaviour in the bud' before the kids really hit puberty.

Today has been a long day with quite large periods of inactivity between meetings, I really should have got some marking done or some planning, but instead I have spent the time chatting with Carolina. This has been quite fun and interesting. I'm quite shocked at the way past teachers have treated the support staff. It also makes me even more determined that I will treat people with respect and value them. If I ever do reach a position of management in my career I have many models on how not to behave!

On my own emotional front I'm feeling much better today, but I am absolutely shattered. I'm so looking forward to half term - only a week and a half away. Not quite sure what I'm going to do yet, the girls are making plans, but I really want to chat with Amy and see if I can meet up with her for some of it. There are lots of options, but it's whether to spend time on my own or away with other people from school.

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