Sunday, 26 October 2008

In the company of Miss Lee...

Firstly, I have been up for about 25 hours. Not because I can't sleep, but because I have been in the company of the awesome and beautiful, Miss Amy Lee.

Hmm...I should delete that really coz not long after I wrote it, I felt a huge need to go to sleep!

It's now a couple of hours later and I am in recovery from last night mode!

Yesterday I was up and about early because I was going to meet Amy at one of the bus station's in Quito at about 9.30am. I got a taxi because I didn't know where it was and arrived there at about 9.00am. I then hung around waiting to see Amy - hoping that we would find each other at this huge place.

I watched buses come and go, but no sign. Just after 9.30, Amy called my mobile from a payphone, we still couldn't see each other, but I decided to go in and look for her. A good decision! We found each other and headed into the Mariscal for coffee.

Coffee was in Plaza Foch, in the heart of the Mariscal, where we had vast amounts to talk about. we then ambled to the Artesania Market (it took a couple of detours to get there as my sense of direction didn't seem to be so good yesterday). We wandered slowly amongst the stalls and aisles full of bright colours and many interesting items. I bought a cute pair of earrings and a couple of headbands; Amy also got earrings and a bracelet - covered in religious icons. From the market we headed for Qui Centro and then MegaMaxi for some less exciting purchases. Then onwards to home for a chill, internet usage and yet more talking!

I introduced Amy to the wonders of Skype - she was mightily impressed!

Amy's current adventure is amazing - she is working with a community in the cloud forest, helping them to make jewllery and other items to sell at the market in Otavalo. Her stories, photos and Spanish are incredible after only being here for 3 weeks! I'm going to join her next weekend to see more of where she is and what she's doing, which I'm really looking forward to. Even though we have now only spent time together on four different occasions, it feels like we have known each other for a really long time. It really is lovely to have her here at the same time as me - especially at the moment. We are able to give each other a lot of support. She's also had stressful stuff going on this week, but in a different way. We also have a lot of fun!

Last night we decided to go out for sushi in Cumbaya. On the walk down to the old square, Amy and I devised some mantras - one I'm not going to repeat, one involved checking that she had her bag and the other was to say very loudly...'I'm in fucking Ecuador'. We practised these three mantras all the way to the old square. Changing them by emphasising different words and laughing quite hysterically. We met Jim in the square, had a great meal at the sushi place and then moseyed on to the pub. I was really shattered at the pub because of the lack of sleep in the past few nights (although Friday night was a lot better than Wed or Thurs). However we had a lot of fun singing along with the 80's cheese and chatting.

Amy really had a need to go dancing - there are quite strict rules for behaviour where she is living and a woman dancing on her own and wiggling her hips is seen as improper - it's what a prostitute would do. So she has danced but it has to be with the local village lads. Jim was meant to be going to a party, but decided to stay with us. I really felt unsure about going up to Quito, but in the end thought what the hell.

We went to the same club that I'd been to before with Jim - El Ajigon (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it, but it'll have to do!). Not long after we arrived a band started playing - however it soon became apparent that this was no ordinary band - they were a whole audio and visual experience. We were treated to a very intriguing and dark animation as well as the music! I really enjoyed it - great to see some live music again and it was really good. The DJs kicked in and we danced till about 3am. There was much silliness from all three of us in the dancing stakes and a lot of energy was expended!

Amy had decided that the best way to make sure that she got her bus back at 7.00am was to stay up all night. So we had an entertaining run around the Mariscal looking for somewhere else to go, realised most places appeared to be closing; grabbed a taxi and headed home.

Back at home, coffee, chocolate and t'internet kept me and Aims going. She finally managed to upload some of her pictures and also had another chat with her mum. Just after 6am we walked and found a taxi just down the road and she made her way home again.

It was beautiful first thing this morning - Cotopaxi was in view, the sun was shining and the early morning sky was amazing. Many things to be thankful for.

The Dawning of the Day

Amy has really helped me in the past 24 hours - I've had moments and she has been just wonderful. She's coming back on Thursday to come to a halloween party with me - I can't wait!

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