Thursday, 23 October 2008


has been ok.

School was fine, the kids were great as were lots of the staff. I'm incredibly lucky to have such a support of friendship and love, both near and far.

My humour and that of my kids has kept me going, my head has told me lots of sensible things. I've survived on four and a half hours sleep and quite a few coffees.

I had a bit of a lull at the end of the day, but then headed off to Claire's because it's her birthday. It was a lovely gathering of people from work and a lovely evening - we all sat outside. I have listened to lots of very funny stories from Justin and Christine (mostly about Justin!!) and laughed lots. I could of come home with the girls but decided to stay later...avoiding being on my own.

Andy gave me a lift home and we sang along with Kylie - it felt quite surreal. He is Welsh though so you can't necessarily expect him to have good musical tastes!

I got home and switched my computer on...wondering if there might be anymore replies to messages I sent out yesterday...calling out to my friends for support... and saw Pete was online on Yahoo.

This put me into a huge dilemma...for one thing it would have been about 3.00am for him. I wanted to reach out, but knew I shouldn't, but did anyway. I didn't get a reply and didn't really expect one. I just wanted to know if he was okay.

The internet is an amazing way to keep in touch with people, but it can also make it harder to move forwards. I love it because I'm able to talk to and see my family/friends over skype; chat and keep in touch on facebook; post photos on flickr; research things for work; retail therapy. I hate it because it is very easy to see into other's lives, which isn't a good thing when your trying to have a sensible head about your emotions. I had taken steps to lessen this yesterday, but hadn't figured on the yahoo connection especially with the 6 hour time difference. I have taken a few more steps tonight.

I need to stop looking back and keep looking/moving forwards - advice I was given not long before I came here. I know there are amazing opportunities ahead of me and that I will grab them with both hands. I have no idea what the future holds. It will be strange not to have someone alongside me - it's been a long time since I've been truly single. And I'm sure once I get more apt at dealing with the emotions that are welling out of me at the moment, there is much fun to be had. (I'm sure my sensible head will keep telling me these things and the rest of me will catch up and listen at some point)

Well it's just after midnight now and my sensible head says I should try and sleep. Goodnight my lovelies.

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