Sunday, 14 December 2008

Things & Stuff

Time to catch up on a few things!

I celebrated Ted in a way he would have approved of on Wednesday night - I got drunk! (I can hear him laughing about it now!) I also danced a bit in the pub and sang 'Hey Big Spender' at the top of my voice. I was accompanied by my good friend Jim, who understood my need to celebrate my friend's life.

Thursday started after about 4 hours sleep. In addition to this I had a hangover (worst so far!). Shower, coffee and some breakfast helped - then off to school!

I amazed myself and actually managed to teach both Literacy and Numeracy! By the afternoon I was struggling to stay awake, but more coffee and a good lunch helped! I watched a 'How we used to live' video with the kids, about the Second World War.

During the course of the day I did explain my sorry state to people - I have nothing to hide. Getting drunk on a Wednesday night is not something I would usually do (let's face it, it doesn't happen often at weekends!), but these were exceptional circumstances!

On Friday we had the first full run through of the Christmas production - it was a shambles! However the people running it gave the kids lots of compliments and told them how proud they were of them - I know people do things differently but I didn't think this was the right thing to do. They also seemed happy to go from one shambolic rehearsal straight to the dress rehearsal on Monday - some of us disagreed! We insisted on a second run through - which was much better! The kids needed another go to get into they're heads what they would need for Monday.

During the rehearsals I was trying to decide whether it really was as bad as I thought or whether it was perhaps because I am usually so used to being right in the middle of it that I don't see what others see. It's hard when you are used to being the one in charge of productions to take a backseat...especially when you're opinion is being asked by other people. I've tried to be diplomatic...but it's hard when you know that you're right (hahahahahaha!). Oh well I've learnt more for when I am back in control of thin gs next year - delegation is the key (and making sure that everyone feels involved).

After school on Friday there was a bit of a do for the girls that are leaving - organised by one of the classroom assistants. I wasn't sure about going, but decided I would after I'd sent my final box of Christmas pressies home. I arrived just after the girls at about 5pm.

Martha had gone to a lot of trouble, helped by her mum to make this a special occasion - there was food laid out on the table, drinks - considerable effort had been made. It felt quite awkward - the girls didn't make lots of effort (apart from with each other) and they left about 45mins after they'd arrived. I felt that this was really rude - I know that they were tired, but we all were. They could have asked for a coffee and stayed a bit longer.

Friday evening was spent chatting to people online; playing guitar; attempting to make pavlova (not easy at altitude), giving up and making brandy butter instead!

Saturday dawned...quite late for me actually! I was amazed and impressed to see that my watch said 11.10am when I finally decided to drag myself from my pit! That is the new Ecuador lie-in record for me!

I faffed about; did a bit of shopping and then got ready to go for Christmas dinner at Roy & Kay's. (It may seem a little soon for Christmas dinner - but most of us will be away over the Christmas holidays).

It was lovely - we had cocktails; canapes; an amazing Christmas dinner (including a fab nut roast for the vegetarians amongst us!); yummy puds (I indulged in quite a few of Kay's mince pies with brandy butter!); cheese and biccies; lots of laughter and fun.

The highlights:
The Christmas present game - names out of a hat to see who picks a present; but each person has the opportunity to steal someone else's present rather than unwrap a new one! Lots and lots of fun - especially Justin in his 'Mr T' bling! (Doing really dodgy 'gangsta' accents).

I got a snowstorm - but Katt wanted it so I gave it to her.

The 'Guess Who' game - everyone suspected it was me who was going around wearing no underwear...but I actually decided to go for the much more innocent fact - my first pet's name was Rory. (Hmmm what does this say of the impression I have made on people that they think I'm one for not wearing knickers........).

Singing the 'Fairytale of New York' with Jim.

Another highlight - another game - Charades! Jean was particularly dramatic; Justin confusing; Andy was a bit of a dark horse (actually rather good!); Kay was hilarious.

It was all really good fun and felt more like being with family...these people are my friends and I'm glad to have met them.

I had a few brief moments of sadness - purely because it made me think of my family who I'm missing a great deal...particularly at this time of year.


Kniki said...

What is the Guess Who game? It sounds fun - I'd like to instigate it at our do on Friday!

Fi said...

Everyone has to write down a fact about themselves that no-one else knows. One person has to be organiser and not play - that person then muddles up all the facts and you have to match the fact to the right person. It was very funny! We all had sheets with all the names and all the facts - the winner is the one who guesses the most right!