Sunday, 21 December 2008

Perfect Antidote...

Rather than sitting at home feeling crap, I got in touch with Yvette and went to meet her in Quito.

I've had a lovely afternoon and evening laughing with her and her husband Lazaro. We watched Mamma Mia - I loved every single minute of it from start to finish! It was a great way to take my mind off things. I also got the story of how Yvette and Lazaro got together; I think Yvette could easily have a book written about her - I would certainly buy it. (Actually I'd really like to write it!)

I've had quite a bit of thinking time too...more reflection I guess. I know that I am learning more and more everyday. Every experience has something that can be learnt from it. Although it hurt like hell to receive the news earlier today, it's made me consider how I may have made people feel in the past when I have ended relationships and then moved on. In the past I have dealt with bitterness and anger towards me - but I don't feel this in my current situation. All I hope is that Pete is happy.

I think when some of my girlies read this they will wonder why I'm not angry. I do feel sad, I cannot deny that. But anger is not where I wish to put my energy - I've felt enough anger this week over the situation at school. Now I'm on holiday and it's time to let go. Time to focus on my own impending adventure in Argentina. It is not a time to dwell on situations that I have absolutely no control over.*

*I'll put my faith in karma with regards to the school stuff (and hope that Claire makes a phone call over the Christmas hols).

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