Wednesday, 17 December 2008


Had a bit of a funny ol' day today. A combination of tiredness and hormones have made me feel not far from tears on more than one occasion. I really wanted hugs today...great big lovely bear hugs. I got a number of virtual hugs on facebook...but that made me miss people and want hugs even more.

However needing hugs may have also given me a clue to my Secret my pigeon hole today was a cute picture of cuddly toy type things having a hug, with 'Big hugs for you', written on it and a little note saying that Secret Santa had heard I needed some hugs. (So Secret Santa is on facebook!).

Lovely Monica (the school psychologist) gave me a great big hug this afternoon - she didn't say anything...just walked up to me and hugged me. I told her I'd been waiting for that hug all day. (She's a facebook she my Secreta Santa?)

This evening we had our final performance of the Christmas production and it all went brilliantly - even though at times during the day it was looking a little iffy! I decided to stay with the ol' positive thought! While others were stressing about the lack of lights, then lights being there but not working, then the lights blowing up the sound system (briefly), I stuck with positive thought and it was all fine. There was also the possibility of rain - there were some fairly threatening clouds for a while - but I told a few people that I hadn't given the rain permission to fall so it would be okay and guess rain!

We all got thanked at the end...I got thanked for the singing and my encouraging yells (yesterday it was for shouting at everyone).

I know it's a bit daft, and I know that it's true I did shout, but this kind of upset me a little (please also bear in mind the fact I've been a bit fragile today). It got me to wondering if maybe I am too loud...I mentioned it to an Ecuadorian teacher and she said, 'Well we shouldn't advertise it - we don't want parents to complain.'

I cannot deny that I use my's not always shouting, I can project my voice and to be honest when I am working with a whole school I am going to get them all to be quiet and listen. I am not prepared to have kids not listening to me - it's to do with respect. I also use my voice in silly ways - different accents/voices in the classroom.

But, maybe I do need to tone it down...I don't know.

But then again, yesterday I was complimented by both a member of staff and a parent for the way I make sure the children pay attention. The staff member (who is a parent too) gave me a big thumbs up for not being afraid of telling kids off. The mum told me that I would be a great parent when I eventually have kids of my own.

Hmmm I suppose this is what they call 'having time to reflect'.