Friday, 26 December 2008


Considering I went to bed after 3am last night, I should probably still be sleeping...but bad dreams woke me up. So I thought I may as well use this time to catch up (and catch breakfast for the first time in a few days!!)


Well having told Sarah I wasn't really sure that I was up for a big night on Tuesday...Suddenly it was about 3am and I was going,"Come on, lets go clubbing!!"

We arrived at a great drum and bass club at about 4am with Max, one of the guys who works at the hostel. Bless him he even produced tickets so that we didn't have to pay! I danced my arse off for a good couple of hours! When we left the club the sun was rising over Buenos Aires and it looked beautiful.

At about 7.15am on Christmas eve we stumbled into bed. To be woken up again just after 12pm to go to a meeting about Christmas dinner.

To be honest I was more interested in my coffee than the meeting. However it was lovely that some of the guys in the hostel wanted to cook for everyone. We paid our contribution and I studiously avoided getting involved with any sort of preparations. (A very important role I think).

In the afternoon I went a wandering and did partake of one of my favourite! I now have a new hat and a beautiful silk skirt. I also danced on the streets to two brilliant and entirely different bands. The first was a rhythmic kinda thang, and the second was the ska band that I saw the day before.

In the evening of Christmas eve there was a party in the hostel...Sarah and I joined it at about 11pm after a bit more sleep and shower, etc. It was great fun and I chatted to lots of different people...and, well danced of course!

As the party ended here, lots of us went on to Pacha and had an awesome time.

I danced on the bus. I danced inside. I danced outside. I danced with and without people. I talked to lots of people, much to Sarah's amazement each time I was with her when I introduced her to more people! I have so missed being able to do just get talking to random people because they're dancing with you, or smile at you as you go past, or they're wearing something lovely that you compliment. Random banter...reminded me of the old days at Planet Yes parties. Also the club felt very much like a club in Ibiza feels. I think it's to do with being able to go outside and it being warm!

I saw the sunrise which was beautiful and made us realise we were by the river.

At about 8am the club was closing and Sarah and I headed back to a smallish after party in Palermo. This was with some guys that she'd met in Peru, some of their friends and Con...our new Irish room mate! We'd had such a laugh with them in the club, so it was great to continue for a bit longer.

We all sat on their balcony...there was an amazing view of rooftops and blue sky. Unfortunately one of the guys was being a bit of a pratt...he was in my personal space and made me feel quite uncomfortable after a while. He reminded me of kids when they want to get your attention, but don't understand the concept of different types of attention. Stupid drunken behavior. It was a shame because all the other lads were lovely. However by about 10am the wall of tiredness was heading towards me...we got a taxi a bit later and were home to the hostel by about 11am.* I also really wanted to speak to my family and bluntly there was no way I was going to fuck it up.

Back at the hostel I opened my pressies from Mum and Dad and gave Sarah and Kate their gifts. They were very shocked that I'd got them something and both went into a bit of a weird headstate for about 10mins. I had to explain that I hadn't expected anything from them and had just wanted them to both have a present to open - it felt wrong that they might not. Opening one of my pressies made me's a beautiful ring.

Afer pressies I went to call everyone at family that is, the people that really count. We chatted for about 15mins...I did the whole bunch (conveniently they're all staying at Nic's in the peak district). They were all highly amused by my lack of voice...seems to have disappeared quite a bit over the last couple of days...hmm too much partying maybe?

After talking to them I headed for bed and much needed sleep...around 12pm(ish).

The evening of Christmas Day was quite chilled and mostly spent in the hostel. I was pleased to be told by one of the guy's that works here that he thought I was the best dancer from the night before!!

Christmas dinner was eventually served at about 11pm...but it was worth it...the roast potatoes were amazing!

I had planned quite an early night, but with chatting to people and having a few drinks it ended up being about 3am! Ooops!

So here I am at Boxing Day...what will it bring? Hopefully some more sleep and then maybe some exploring with the girls.

We have decided to stay in Buenos Aires until the 2nd of January...I'm really glad, I like it here a lot - although the shopping possibilities may leave a serious dent in my pocket!

I hope all you lovelies out there had brilliant Christmas too!

*All times are approximate, due to lack of sleep and not paying much attention!

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Perfect timing...

I surprised myself this morning by sleeping in until about 10am!

Had breakfast then went to check out the spa. I booked myself in for massage at 1pm!

Spent the next hour and a bit chilling and enjoying the novelty of TV. (Hilariously, last night I watched Little Britain!).

At 12pm I went for a Turkish bath, Sauna and Finnish bath (steam room), it was lovely. Then headed off for my massage, where I was introduced to a man. Hadn´t expected that! Felt rather shy when it was time to remove my dressing gown...

However I thought bugger it I may as well enjoy myself and it was a bloody good, full body massage, for an hour!

Afterwards I made my way to the hostel and met Kate who happened to be in the reception, a few moments later Sarah walked in. It was perfect timing!!

Sarah and I have caught up, drunk a few beers, shopped a little, had food - all is well! It´s very good to know I´m gonna spend the next couple of weeks with this lovely girl!

Monday, 22 December 2008

Blimey I´m in Buenos Aires...

And sitting in an internet place...hmm! Well (to justify my actions), sitting on your own in a hotel room is no fun and kinda lonely and I was not tempted by the price of the drinks in the hotel bar - not just yet anyway. Might go back for a beer in a bit.

I had a lovely night chatting with James and Tam. However poor Amy is ill and so had to go to bed early. I got up just after 5am and bless Tam and James, they got up too. Tam kindly made me coffee and James walked with me to find a taxi.

At Quito airport I treated myself to a 15min chair massage - which was rather lovely. I also bumped in to a kid who´s been in school over the past week - travelling on his own back to Buenos Aires (he´s about 13/14). That made me think and any nervousness I had, pretty much disappeared. I mean christ, if a kid that age can do it, what have I got to be worried about! It was all very uneventful anyway.

Spent most of the flight reading ´The Gringo Trail´. A great book about travelling around South America. I´ve finished it now, but luckily I brought two books with me and there´s always my Argentina guidebook.

Hilariously on the flight from Lima, the male ´trolley dolly´ assumed that I was in a couple with the guy sitting next to me. (This was when he was handing out forms). He stated that you only needed one per family...I put him straight...we´re not family....

´Oh...hasn´t he proposed to you yet?`

´Um no...we´ve only just met!´

I arrived in Buenos Aires and was greeted by a beautiful summer evening (hurray it´s not dark just after 6pm here!). Got in a rather expensive taxi and got taken to my hotel.

My room is nice, if a little small, the shower is awesome. I´m looking forward to checking out breakfast and the spa in the morning!

Had a few moments of weirdness today, but I´m doing a pretty good job of talking myself out of them; trying not to let my head go down particular routes of thought.

So looking forward to meeting up with Sarah again tomorrow (although I have no idea exactly when!)

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Heading off soon...

In less than an hour I shall be heading up to Quito to meet Amy, Tam, James - looking forward to seeing them and swapping stories. I'm staying with them tonight and then onwards to Quito airport in the morning and then...Argentina!!!!! Woohoo!

When I can I will tell you all about my adventures.

Perfect Antidote...

Rather than sitting at home feeling crap, I got in touch with Yvette and went to meet her in Quito.

I've had a lovely afternoon and evening laughing with her and her husband Lazaro. We watched Mamma Mia - I loved every single minute of it from start to finish! It was a great way to take my mind off things. I also got the story of how Yvette and Lazaro got together; I think Yvette could easily have a book written about her - I would certainly buy it. (Actually I'd really like to write it!)

I've had quite a bit of thinking time too...more reflection I guess. I know that I am learning more and more everyday. Every experience has something that can be learnt from it. Although it hurt like hell to receive the news earlier today, it's made me consider how I may have made people feel in the past when I have ended relationships and then moved on. In the past I have dealt with bitterness and anger towards me - but I don't feel this in my current situation. All I hope is that Pete is happy.

I think when some of my girlies read this they will wonder why I'm not angry. I do feel sad, I cannot deny that. But anger is not where I wish to put my energy - I've felt enough anger this week over the situation at school. Now I'm on holiday and it's time to let go. Time to focus on my own impending adventure in Argentina. It is not a time to dwell on situations that I have absolutely no control over.*

*I'll put my faith in karma with regards to the school stuff (and hope that Claire makes a phone call over the Christmas hols).

Saturday, 20 December 2008


Today I heard the news I've been expecting and suspecting for some time. I'm glad that I know and I'm glad that I've been told.

But I'm gutted.

Friday, 19 December 2008

The holiday begins...

The last kid was picked up just after 1pm and my holiday officially began.

We had a big Christmas lunch with all the staff at school...lunches were given out in alphabetical I was one of the last to get mine. I wasn't too bothered it gave time for the pannetone and other munchies to go down a little. If I'm absolutely honest I was quite full already...but somehow I managed to squeeze in some more. I soon had the full up and sleepy feeling!

We received our last secret Santa present too - handed out by Santa (Justin - looking hilarious) and his two little pixie helpers (Paul and Tom). I got a beautiful pendant and discovered that my secret Santa was Natalia.

Natalia is great - she's the science technician in Secondary. She's helping me with my chatting with me on facebook - it's much easier that way, I have time to use my dictionary!

I have been secret Santa to Jim, which has been really funny. Unfortunately he guessed it was me last Friday when I put an aubergine in his pigeon hole (Jim is allergic to aubergine). I had planned to be out of the staffroom before he arrived but didn't quite manage it and couldn't contain my hysterics as he commented, 'Hmmm something I'm allergic too!' Apart from the aubergine I have given him:
  • a cd with all the songs containing wild in the title apart from one which was a Kim Wilde number (Jim's surname is Wild)
  • a note of apology because secret Santa forgot on Monday
  • a blow up dinosaur
  • a toy dinosaur that squeaks
  • a Spiderman pencil tin
  • Batman stationery (Jim loves Batman and was most chuffed to receive this today!)
After the Santa shennanigans, people started to depart. There were lots of goodbyes and then I headed off to my classroom to pack my stuff up before coming home.

Once home I had long chats with my Mum and Dad. Whilst chatting to them it struck me that usually at the end of term I'd head off to the Barrel to catch up with everyone. It's felt quite weird to not be going out to meet friends - I have got lots of friends here but they're all connected to school. Going to the pub is part of the ritual that starts the holidays for me.

Feeling quite chilled I started to look at where I might stay in Buenos Aires on Monday night. The friends I'm meeting don't arrive until Tuesday and had forgotten I'd be there a day earlier when they booked our hostel. So I have decided to treat myself to a night of luxury somewhere.

Suddenly, I got a text on my mobile from Claire, it read, 'She's fucking cancelled my ticket! Ben's is fine but mine has been refunded. They're saying it's too late to buy another. Fuck fuck.'

To explain this situation: One of the girls who left borrowed money from Claire to buy her car, buying flight tickets paid back some of the loan (the rest was done by transfer). However 'the girl' obviously changed her flight ticket and by error, ignorance or just downright wickedness cancelled Claire's flight too. Whatever the reason it demonstrates the utter stupidity and selfishness of the person involved.

I have been in contact with Claire on and off all evening. She managed to get a ticket as far as Madrid (the same as Ben's, with a connection in Bogata). However, they have missed the connection in Bogata and are now in a hotel for the night. This means that neither of them will be able to meet her parents tomorrow or her friend's on Sunday. They are considering coming back to Ecuador.

It is so unfair because Claire has been so excited about going home - it's her first Christmas there for 6 years. Also Claire is the sweetest, loveliest, kindest person - she helped these 3 witches out so much. She does not deserve this.

I'm not sure what to do to help - I'd like to ring the bitch up and give her an earful. Or maybe explain to her parents exactly what they're darling daughter has done.

Wasting time...

Waiting for the end of the morning.

I don't want to be here, the kids don't want to be here, Carolina doesn't want to be here - so why are we here?

End of termitis! I should use the time while the children play productively - get some planning done; tidy up; mark the homework they brought in on Wednesday....

What have I achieved:
  • eaten quite a lot of pannetone
  • a modicum of tidying
  • found tiny reasons to escape from the classroom and go wandering
I'm shattered - even overslept this morning.

Fifteen more minutes...then no children till the 12th of January. I've reached saturation point, I've had enough...I NEED A HOLIDAY!!

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Nice to be appreciated!

I just received this email from the director of the school (my big boss):

Dear All,

I wanted to say to all of you just how impressed and grateful I have been this week to know that the primary school is in such capable hands. The way in which everyone pulled together right from Monday morning was terrific and, whether it was in terms of trying to supervise and sort out the classes of, in many cases, somewhat distressed children (not to mention parents), staging a full scale production involving absolutely everyone, or just in terms of supporting each other, I want to congratulate and thank you for everything you have achieved this week.

The production, under any circumstances, would have been hailed as a great success... and I was delighted to see this kind of production with everyone involved. Under these particular circumstances, it was even more magnificent. Thank you very much to all of you, and all those who helped with the children and in preparation, on Tuesday and on Wednesday evening.

Whatever problems face us, the truly positive shines through... and that is what happened this week. Our strength is in you. Thank you. I hope you have a super holiday. You deserve it!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008


Had a bit of a funny ol' day today. A combination of tiredness and hormones have made me feel not far from tears on more than one occasion. I really wanted hugs today...great big lovely bear hugs. I got a number of virtual hugs on facebook...but that made me miss people and want hugs even more.

However needing hugs may have also given me a clue to my Secret my pigeon hole today was a cute picture of cuddly toy type things having a hug, with 'Big hugs for you', written on it and a little note saying that Secret Santa had heard I needed some hugs. (So Secret Santa is on facebook!).

Lovely Monica (the school psychologist) gave me a great big hug this afternoon - she didn't say anything...just walked up to me and hugged me. I told her I'd been waiting for that hug all day. (She's a facebook she my Secreta Santa?)

This evening we had our final performance of the Christmas production and it all went brilliantly - even though at times during the day it was looking a little iffy! I decided to stay with the ol' positive thought! While others were stressing about the lack of lights, then lights being there but not working, then the lights blowing up the sound system (briefly), I stuck with positive thought and it was all fine. There was also the possibility of rain - there were some fairly threatening clouds for a while - but I told a few people that I hadn't given the rain permission to fall so it would be okay and guess rain!

We all got thanked at the end...I got thanked for the singing and my encouraging yells (yesterday it was for shouting at everyone).

I know it's a bit daft, and I know that it's true I did shout, but this kind of upset me a little (please also bear in mind the fact I've been a bit fragile today). It got me to wondering if maybe I am too loud...I mentioned it to an Ecuadorian teacher and she said, 'Well we shouldn't advertise it - we don't want parents to complain.'

I cannot deny that I use my's not always shouting, I can project my voice and to be honest when I am working with a whole school I am going to get them all to be quiet and listen. I am not prepared to have kids not listening to me - it's to do with respect. I also use my voice in silly ways - different accents/voices in the classroom.

But, maybe I do need to tone it down...I don't know.

But then again, yesterday I was complimented by both a member of staff and a parent for the way I make sure the children pay attention. The staff member (who is a parent too) gave me a big thumbs up for not being afraid of telling kids off. The mum told me that I would be a great parent when I eventually have kids of my own.

Hmmm I suppose this is what they call 'having time to reflect'.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

10 years on...

After 10 years with very little contact I am now back in touch with an old boyfriend (the guy I was with for most of my degree). He contacted me about 6 weeks after I arrived in Ecuador because he had a job in Cambridgeshire and wondered if I was still about in Norfolk.

Every now and again we send emails and y'know, it's really lovely. I remembered that it had been his birthday on Sunday and sent him belated birthday wishes yesterday.

So it seems that maybe it takes 10 years before you can truly be friends with an ex again...if this is the case then in 8 years time me and Ritchie may be back on speaking terms again; 9 years for me and Ian; 10 years for me and Pete.*

On a different note, coz I'm sure you're all secret Santa brought me a cute photo holder which was a plant pot with a tortoise on it!

Lastly, this evening I had a musical treat! I was invited by one of my colleagues (Aurelia) to watch her daughter singing with her school choir. It was beautiful and has inspired me to start a choir at BSQ (I've missed my choir!). I actually feel really pleased to know that I can take a role in the music in school now that Alex and Sarah have left. I love music and told my big boss (Daryl) today that I would be interested in teaching music across the whole primary school (this was when we were discussing my new role as curriculum coordinator - oh yes, forgot to mention, I'm being promoted!).

*Have to be honest, I hope that it takes less time than this.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Angry, Hurt, Sad, but mostly Angry!

We've had an interesting day at school today.

We were due to have a staff meeting at 8am to discuss everyone's roles in the production (who's sitting where, etc). At about 7.50am, I got the news that Alex, Sarah and Jeanne hadn't arrived at school. This is highly unusual, they're normally there by 7.30am, I started trying to ring them...but got no answer.

In the meantime, Justin sent a message to get people to go and check their houses (Jeanne and Sarah lived quite close to the school - did you notice my use of the past tense there?).

The three of them had done a bunk. It seems like one, possibly all of them have left the country. This news left the rest of us reeling - myself and Claire in particular. All three of them had handed in their notice and were due to leave at the end of term - I wasn't particularly impressed with the way that they went about this, but had accepted that they had their reasons and they weren't happy, so it was better for everybody that they left. I also continued to give them my friendship - not as closely as before, but it was still there.

However to leave without telling anyone, in a way that felt like they meant to cause as much disruption to the school as possible...this has made me so angry. I cannot believe how dishonourably they have behaved - the worst thing is the way they have let down the kids. We are all meant to do this job because of our love for the kids - they have shown that they care for no-one but themselves. I now also understand why they didn't seem that bothered at the rehearsal on Friday.

It all feels so calculating...they must have planned this. There are little clues - for example their removal from facebook of anyone connected to school - I decided to check this morning to see if I could find anything out and discovered I was no longer their friend. Damn right I'm not!

This perhaps explains why they didn't stay long at the party on Friday.

Well girls if any of you ever read this...I have news for you - the Christmas production will be fine because I'm in charge of it now. I also hope that karma comes back to bite you all in the arse. I hope you can live with yourselves because only really horrible people would do this kind of a thing.

The good thing that has come from this is that the rest of the primary team have really pulled together - we are a really strong team and this has a made us stronger.

I'm sad that I was fooled by these people into thinking that they were decent human beings. I guess this is another lesson for me to learn...maybe I shouldn't trust people so easily. It's hard though, because I have always believed in people and their possibilities above all else. I do take this personally (and I know Claire does too). I'm also pissed off that I didn't put pictures up of the Christmas party on Saturday...I thought it would be unkind for them to see us all having fun without them!

So that was Monday, what will the rest of the week bring?

On a happier note, my secret Santa at school brought me four delicious chocolates and I also received Christmas presents from my Mum and Dad today.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Things & Stuff

Time to catch up on a few things!

I celebrated Ted in a way he would have approved of on Wednesday night - I got drunk! (I can hear him laughing about it now!) I also danced a bit in the pub and sang 'Hey Big Spender' at the top of my voice. I was accompanied by my good friend Jim, who understood my need to celebrate my friend's life.

Thursday started after about 4 hours sleep. In addition to this I had a hangover (worst so far!). Shower, coffee and some breakfast helped - then off to school!

I amazed myself and actually managed to teach both Literacy and Numeracy! By the afternoon I was struggling to stay awake, but more coffee and a good lunch helped! I watched a 'How we used to live' video with the kids, about the Second World War.

During the course of the day I did explain my sorry state to people - I have nothing to hide. Getting drunk on a Wednesday night is not something I would usually do (let's face it, it doesn't happen often at weekends!), but these were exceptional circumstances!

On Friday we had the first full run through of the Christmas production - it was a shambles! However the people running it gave the kids lots of compliments and told them how proud they were of them - I know people do things differently but I didn't think this was the right thing to do. They also seemed happy to go from one shambolic rehearsal straight to the dress rehearsal on Monday - some of us disagreed! We insisted on a second run through - which was much better! The kids needed another go to get into they're heads what they would need for Monday.

During the rehearsals I was trying to decide whether it really was as bad as I thought or whether it was perhaps because I am usually so used to being right in the middle of it that I don't see what others see. It's hard when you are used to being the one in charge of productions to take a backseat...especially when you're opinion is being asked by other people. I've tried to be diplomatic...but it's hard when you know that you're right (hahahahahaha!). Oh well I've learnt more for when I am back in control of thin gs next year - delegation is the key (and making sure that everyone feels involved).

After school on Friday there was a bit of a do for the girls that are leaving - organised by one of the classroom assistants. I wasn't sure about going, but decided I would after I'd sent my final box of Christmas pressies home. I arrived just after the girls at about 5pm.

Martha had gone to a lot of trouble, helped by her mum to make this a special occasion - there was food laid out on the table, drinks - considerable effort had been made. It felt quite awkward - the girls didn't make lots of effort (apart from with each other) and they left about 45mins after they'd arrived. I felt that this was really rude - I know that they were tired, but we all were. They could have asked for a coffee and stayed a bit longer.

Friday evening was spent chatting to people online; playing guitar; attempting to make pavlova (not easy at altitude), giving up and making brandy butter instead!

Saturday dawned...quite late for me actually! I was amazed and impressed to see that my watch said 11.10am when I finally decided to drag myself from my pit! That is the new Ecuador lie-in record for me!

I faffed about; did a bit of shopping and then got ready to go for Christmas dinner at Roy & Kay's. (It may seem a little soon for Christmas dinner - but most of us will be away over the Christmas holidays).

It was lovely - we had cocktails; canapes; an amazing Christmas dinner (including a fab nut roast for the vegetarians amongst us!); yummy puds (I indulged in quite a few of Kay's mince pies with brandy butter!); cheese and biccies; lots of laughter and fun.

The highlights:
The Christmas present game - names out of a hat to see who picks a present; but each person has the opportunity to steal someone else's present rather than unwrap a new one! Lots and lots of fun - especially Justin in his 'Mr T' bling! (Doing really dodgy 'gangsta' accents).

I got a snowstorm - but Katt wanted it so I gave it to her.

The 'Guess Who' game - everyone suspected it was me who was going around wearing no underwear...but I actually decided to go for the much more innocent fact - my first pet's name was Rory. (Hmmm what does this say of the impression I have made on people that they think I'm one for not wearing knickers........).

Singing the 'Fairytale of New York' with Jim.

Another highlight - another game - Charades! Jean was particularly dramatic; Justin confusing; Andy was a bit of a dark horse (actually rather good!); Kay was hilarious.

It was all really good fun and felt more like being with family...these people are my friends and I'm glad to have met them.

I had a few brief moments of sadness - purely because it made me think of my family who I'm missing a great deal...particularly at this time of year.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Dancing Ted

Ted was an amazing friend. He died unexpectedly a year ago today.

He was always there with a smile; a kind word; a hug; the need to dance.

He is someone who I will never forget and who brings a smile to my face when he pops into my head.

So tonight I'm going out for a drink to remember him. If I had more energy I would go for a dance - for this he would surely approve of, as he had his own particular dancing style.

So Ted, my friend, keep on dancing.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008


Today has been a day full of tiredness and some decadence!

School has been fairly standard for this time of year - managed to teach Literacy and Numeracy and then got the kids working on their DT projects and artwork for the Christmas production. I've been tired which makes it that little bit harder in some respects, but also adds the intriguing element of bizarre sense of humour land.

Lunch was a little different today - I had to get some bits and pieces for the hamster, so suggested to Christine that we met for lunch. It was a very nice excursion in the middle of the day - made even better by that slightly naughty 'sneaking out of school' feeling.

The staff meeting after school seemed interminably long - although no longer than usual!

The after school taxi seemed to take forever to arrive. However once it did, I found Lani and we went to La Esquina for some food.

I tried some of Lani's steak, something I haven't eaten for over two years! It was...really good! (Well I have to get in preparation for Argentina!)

Once I got home, I devoured the chocolate in my fridge!

So in case you haven't worked it out, the decadence was the steak and the chocolate!

Monday, 8 December 2008

Fiestas de Quito

There seems to be quite a lot to catch up on over the past few days...

So, on Thursday we had an inset day in school to get reports finalised for our accreditation with CIS (International Schools) next March. There was a lot of work to be done. However if you hadn't been there last year and weren't on a committee (i.e. me!) then you got off fairly lightly! A few of us looked over a 'horizontal curriculum', whilst lying on the bean bags in Nicki's room - seemed appropriate somehow! We highlighted the areas that the committee had felt were poor, thought about they could be addressed and how the action plan could be achieved. It gave us time to think about how the school can improve and how we can help it.

So at 10:30 we met back with other members of staff, to find out:

'if it ain't on the action plan, it ain't going in!'

So we made suggestions for the action plan, and felt fairly frustrated. I know that people put a lot of work into this last year, but we're here now and some of us really want to make a difference to this school! It seems like the whole accreditation process is just another example of lots of pieces of paper that are for show and won't actually change anything. (Ho hum!)

After this highly riveting meeting, I looked at my Literacy subject folders and found the policy for Literacy. Well...the policy is like a book and seriously unnecessary and the folders are...okay. There's a lot of work to be done and I discussed having some staff meeting time with Justin to introduce the new primary framework for Literacy.

I then spent the rest of the day on the internet - bit of research and a lot of time spent chatting with my Mum, Dad, Caro and my good friend Gaylie.

I was feeling in a holiday kind of mood because we had Friday off work due to the 'Fiestas de Quito'. Plus the sun was shining and I was looking forward to going to Yvette's after school.

Once at Yvette's, the laughter started to flow fairly instantaneously!

The more I know Yvette, the more I like her! She is amazing and told me about her first teaching post overseas, in Namibia. The more I listened; the more I got to know her; the more I realised that she is an incredible woman - I'm so glad to know her. It's not really my story to tell, but basically she triumphed over huge adversity and made a difference to a school and community in ways that others of us can only dream of. Such a strong lady.

That evening I met some of Yvette and Lazaro's friends, a very lively and lovely bunch of Cubans (Lazaro is Cuban). I also caught up with my friend Adam, who I met in Canoa. He's a sweet guy and spent most of the night telling me about the girl he's met who he's falling for! ( I hope it works out for him!)

On Friday, I got up quite late for me...after a fitful sleep with strange dreams. Santiago (another friend) had arrived whilst I was sleeping, but was out with Lazaro when I got up. They reappeared fairly soon.

Yvette and I had a superb breakfast of choc chip muffins (made by Yvette) and tea - all most delicious! She told me more about her life - growing up in Austraila and her utter determination from the age of 12 to go to Africa and solve it's problems. She also told me the story of how she left home, aged 5, telling her parents that they'd be alright! I am yet to hear the full story of how her and Lazaro met - but I know for sure, I will be enthralled!

For lunch, we went to Santa Clara market - for real Ecuadorian food and not any other 'gringos' in sight. It was great! I took quite a few pics. Santiago was really sweet and went round the market with me. We all had quite a hilarious time - Lazaro was particularly amused by Santiago's efforts to speak to me in English.

We had a spot of bother in the taxi on the way back - a drunk driver pulled out of a side street and almost hit out cab, then wouldn't get out of the way so we could get past (it was our right of way). The taxi driver took control of the situation and moved the guys car off the road and took his keys. We thought he was calling the police, but it turned out he was calling his mechanic to inspect the tiniest of marks on his cab. It was really quite surreal, but we got into another taxi and headed back home.

In the evening we got ready to go out with Gunther and his wife, they were taking us to a club and we had no idea where - but assumed it would be salsa. Santiago gave me a salsa lesson, much to Lazaro's amusement (and mine).

How wrong we were, we ended up at a club called 'Go-Go's'. It was playing lots of 'gringo' music, yet Yvette and I were the only gringas in sight. It was lots of fun and just before midnight a band came out and we all cheered, 'Viva Quito'. They were giving out hats and us girlies both wanted one - Santiago was charged with this task. However he failed and I can't quite remember exactly how I did it, but I acquired two (I think they'd just been left on the side and I picked them up, but my memory is a little hazy, due to the affluence of incohol).

After lots of dancing; laughing; drinking and hat wearing, we headed home, where we watched Lazaro weave his way into the house. (He was also highly affluenced by incohol!)

Late Friday night/Saturday morning I was assailed by memories - this week and last hold quite a few significant dates for me.

Saturday morning was spent in recovery and waiting to catch up with Amy - we planned to go to Otavalo. Annoyingly just as we were about to make plans the phone networks went down. I spent a frustrating 15 or so mins trying to make contact. Luckily though it was only for that amount of time and Yvette and I went to meet her.

After a short while at Yvette's we decided it was too late for Otavalo and headed back to mine, where we lounged in bed watching DVDs. It was lovely and just what was needed.

On Saturday evening we went out for Mexican and then met up with a guy Amy liked and his cousin. This all felt a bit weird, we went to the pub, but Ricardo (Amy's friend) wanted to go to La Esquina because it might have music and be more lively. Well...there was music (provided by one of Lazaro's friends - nice to see him and another couple who I met on Thursday again), but it was dead. We then moved tables several times which kind of annoyed me a bit. However after an espresso to wake myself up, I did enjoy myself. Ricardo's cousin was very interesting and we enjoyed discussing all sorts of things.

Back at mine, Amy persuaded me to play my guitar and sing - think I'm getting a bit braver on this front. However I really need to extend my repertoire and strumming technique! I need to write more of my own and learn more of other people's!! I did play one of my songs and both her and Ricardo seemed to really like it.

On Sunday we got up and headed to Quito to get the bus to Otavalo. Unfortunately we went to the wrong bus terminal and then had to take a taxi to get to the right one - this set us back a bit on time. Once at Terminal Terrestre we got tickets and found a bus that was just about to leave - hurrah.

The journey took about 2 and a half hours - we got out at the main road and walked down into the town. This was lovely and I wish I had taken more photos, but it had started to rain and I really didn't want to get my camera wet. I didn't really know where we were going, but we found ourselves at the food market and then in a nice restaurant. After lunch we found the artesania market and started Christmas shopping!

The market is at it's largest on a Saturday, but I really enjoyed being there on a Sunday. It was really quiet and there were still lots of lovely things to see and buy. Also with considerably less people, it was much easier to see everything.

I was most impressed by Amy's haggling technique and we both bought quite a few bargains. (I now have to work out how to send them home and hope that they get there in time for Christmas!). I also got myself a gorgeous alpaca blanket, shawl and jumper. They are very snuggly!

About 5pm (ish) I introduced Amy to the pie shop - we had the most enormous pieces of lemon meringue pie I have ever had (and I am a bit of a pudding queen!).

A short taxi ride took us to the bus station where there was a bus just about to leave for Quito. Our timing was excellent!

We snoozed on the way home and were glad to finally get home at about 8pm (ish). We had a chilled evening, which ended watching another episode of 'The Office' on my laptop. Amy bless her fell asleep - not surprising as she hadn't had much sleep for a few nights. We curled up and went to sleep.

So here we are at today - Monday! Had a fairly easy day at school - the kids got on with their DT project and I surfed on the internet (I did do a bit of work, starting to research what I'm teaching next term, in addition to some facebook action!). We also had a play rehearsal - the first time we've actually run through the whole scene. The kids and staff seemed to enjoy watching me line dance! At the end of the day I lead a singing rehearsal.

I got home and enjoyed some more time with Aims, who was undecided as to whether to go to Cuenca tonight or in the morning. After learning that James and Tam were also arriving in Cuenca tonight she decided to get the night bus.

Not long before we left we had a bit of a heart to heart. Aims felt I'd been a bit distant over the weekend - I finally got to explaining about Christmas. A big part of me had wanted to spend it with Amy, Tam and James, but when they decided they wanted to stay in Quito, I thought that maybe I would be intruding on their time together. I hated the idea of possibly waking up on my own on Christmas morning and being reminded of how far I am from the many people I love. I had thought about going to Argentina before and felt that for me it really is the right thing to do. There are other things that have affected my mood this weekend too - mostly memories and tiredness.

I couldn't explain to Aims that I hadn't felt sure whether they really wanted me there. I couldn't say that although all the times we've spent together have been amazing, that I had wanted more. Couldn't explain that I'd wanted to be a bigger part of her adventure here, that I'd felt gutted at the times that she'd been in Quito and I hadn't known. She's been so near and yet it's been really difficult to be in contact - I've had to rely on sending messages through to her friend's phone, but haven't always been sure that Amy received them.

I didn't need to say these things, because very soon I was reassured that she was gutted that I wouldn't be with them at Christmas, although she fully understands my need for Argentina.

And now I'm sitting here and feeling sad that she's gone; annoyed with myself for letting stuff build up in my head and wishing we'd been able to speak about it sooner. But I didn't want her to feel bad - last thing I wanted. However I am glad that I still have one more weekend to spend with her before she leaves Ecuador and I know I have found another truly amazing friend, who I will cherish.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Idea nicked from Caro!

Apparently this is what my blog says about my personality:

ESFP - The Performers

The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don´t like to plan ahead - they are always in risk of exhausting themselves.

The enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a concrete and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation - qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions.

Monday, 1 December 2008

I'll walk my path

As I sit and watch the world go by,
I often wonder about my own life.

Where will I wander? Where will I roam?
How long will it be till I find my home?

As I look back the memories raw,
I know I've been down some of these roads before.

So much time spent standing still.
It's not my curse no more, not my bitter pill.

I won't be tied to fears from the past,
I'm so much stronger now, have faith it will last.

Keep looking forwards and moving on,
I'll walk my path and I'll sing my song.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

The fragility of life...

I had a harsh reminder of just how fragile life is this morning, when I heard the sad news that Rich's Dad died in a car crash on Friday night.

Rich is my bestest male friend in the world ever and his Dad was one in a million. I have many fond memories of him even though I haven't seen him for years. My heart goes out to him and his wonderful family. I wish that I could be there with them, but instead I send my love from afar.

I took Rich's advice today and called my Dad to tell him that I love him. I also rang Jan whose Dad died in September (through illness), to see how she was doing.

We only get one chance at this life, live it to the full and make sure you tell your family and friends that you love them.

Saturday, 29 November 2008


In the moments when we are still, that is when we truly feel our emotions.

Stillness is important, allowing us to let go, allowing ourselves time just to be.

If we allow ourselves the time to be still, many things are possible.

Monday, 24 November 2008


So tonight I booked my ticket to Argentina, I leave on the 22nd of December and come back on the 8th of January. This was slightly nerve racking as it is the most money I think I've ever spent purely on myself and it is also the first time I've used a credit card! (I know this will sound silly to all of you who use them all the time, but I didn't even own one until just before coming to Ecuador!)

I am glad that I have followed my initial instincts about what I should do at Christmas (after some deliberation, and fear). I'm even more glad that I met Sarah and am very excited about meeting up with her again in Buenos Aires! I'm also fairly nervous - I know I came all the way to Ecuador a few months ago, but I had Alex and t'other Sarah to keep me company. This time I will probably be travelling all on my own.

I think there is a part of me that is still shocked that I'm actually doing all of this. That the little girl from Norfolk who's only ever been into Europe (and not that much of it if I'm honest - the number of countries can be counted on one hand), is actually here in South America and planning more adventures.

I am becoming more and more aware of the fact that basically anything is possible if you set your mind to it. I'm believing more in my own strength and determination. To be honest, I'm quite scared...but as my lovely friend Kym told me a good few years ago...the feelings associated with fear and excitement are very I'm going to focus on the excitement!

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Life versus work!

It seems like recently I've been going to work for a rest! I'm not complaining, I'm very happy to be getting out and about and having fun with lots of different people.

So what has Fi been up to this weekend I hear you all wondering (ha, you're turn to wonder, after my wonderings of Thursday!)

Well...I've spent the weekend praying and going to church...NOT! (If you believe that you'll believe anything!!)

After school on Friday I went and met my friend Fritha (my tenuous Norfolk link in Quito!). Fritha had just been back to Norfolk for a few weeks and collected a few things from my Mum (her Mum lives in East Harling, so this was all very easy!). I enjoyed seeing what was in the bag: a duvet set (impossible it seems to buy nice plain ones out here); cocoa powder (so I can make proper chocolate cake); saxophone reeds ( so I can have a go on the sax I've found in the music room at school); some curry spices (these were from Fritha - I have so missed curry!). Also in the bag were two Christmas presents wrapped up from my Mum and Dad. I was so chuffed - I would like to categorically state, here and now for all to see, how much I love my Mum and Dad.

I had a great time chatting with Fritha while her little boy played in the children's playground. It's lovely to have another Norfolk gal about!

On Friday night I headed up to Quito to meet up with the lovely Sarah (who I met in Canoa) and Anthony. We had many things to discuss, such as...when shall we meet in Buenos Aires? It was a lovely chilled evening and confirmed what I knew in Canoa...Sarah is wicked and we're gonna have a lot of fun together. It wasn't a late one because I was knackered and Ant and Sarah had to get up early on Saturday coz he was catching a flight home.

Saturday daytime was spent relaxing - I wandered to La Esquina (in time for the organic veg stall this week - hurray!); bought yummy veg and jam.

I then slowly made my way back nearer to home, looking into a few shops on the way and getting a few more supplies at Supermaxi.

Once home, I decided a siesta might be in order as I planned to head up to Quito again for a girly night with Sarah. I didn't actually manage to sleep but I thoroughly enjoyed lying in my bed and reading for a few hours.

Once I'd finished the book, I then thoroughly enjoyed making curry. As I've stated previously, you can't get all the spices required for a great curry out here and it is something that I have truly missed. I made quite a big one so that I can enjoy it for a good few days, happy in the knowledge it will only improve with age!!*

I continued on a cooking theme and made banana cake to take to the picnic I went to today (more of that later). I have made several banana cakes since I got here and have devised my own recipe that I am refining each time - this version had the addition of crystallized ginger.

After faffing about getting ready to go out and changing my mind fairly regularly on what to wear, I decided I was just about ready to head out. At that precise moment Katt rang and offered me a lift - hurray I thought! (This also gave me more time for clothes dilemmas!)

We headed into the mariscal and met up with Lani at Finn's. Sarah joined us there a while later with a couple of her friends from the hostel she's staying in. It was fun - we even played pool a bit - I was doing really well until I potted the black early - doh! We all had a desire for dancing and moved on to the Tequila Sunrise. I felt the need to sing 'Oh tequila, it makes me happy', on the way there.

Whilst heading there, we heard from Jim - he was on his way, so we told him to come and meet us at Tequila's.

We started to dance, then one of the guys who came with Sarah picked Lani up and put her over his shoulder - this freaked her out somewhat, especially as she's been ill for the past few days. Katt and I looked after her and we went for a bit of a wander outside. Back in Tequila we had a bit of dancing and heard from Jim again...he was heading to Finn's. I chatted to Sarah and persuaded her to meet us back there. It was a bit of a weird one because both of us had just wanted to have a giggle with each other, but we were also concerned about out respective friends (there was issues going on between the couple she'd come out with - the girl dumped the boy later that night. Also Jim seemd kinda down and we wanted to cheer him up).

Back again to Finn's - slightly squiffy! I really had a good time - was very silly with Jim; drank a couple more beers (making four bottles in total - seem to be getting better at the drinking malarchy); laughed a lot - particularly whilst attempting to play darts; danced around the pool table; chatted with lots of people; had a foolish grin on my face; gave out lots of love and positivity to my friends. It was lovely to be silly with Jim again - it's been a while and I've missed him (told him that too!)

Sarah bless her heart was trying to sort out her friends. She had a good time too though, but not quite what she'd hoped the night would be. I told her not to worry coz we are gonna have so much fun in Buenos Aires!

At 3.00am we were kicked out of the pub. We headed back to Katt's car and sang most of the way home! On arriving home I remembered about my curry...mmm curry munchies!

Sunday morning arrived too quickly, but after breakfast, coffee and a shower I felt ready for the next part of my weekend.

I'd arranged to meet up with some people from school, a mixture of teachers and a couple of the Ecuadorian staff. We all took some food for a picnic in the Parque Metropolitana. This is just near Yvette's in Quito and is a huge park with woodlands of eucalyptus trees. Lani and I arrived with Maggie and waited for Nohemy and her kids, Yvette, Lazaro (her hubby), Paul, Himmy and Cisa (their little girl), John and his kids Robbie and Maya.

Once we were all assembled, we wandered into the woods and found a perfect picnic spot.

It's been a lovely afternoon, it felt like being out with family. Everyone was really relaxed; we ate lots of delicious food; played with the kids (Robbie - 4 and Maya - 3, are particularly gorgeous); messed around with a ball. It was a lovely contrast to last night and I'm so glad that I did it. Nohemy and I have wanted to do something together for some time and today was just perfect.

My favourite moment ( out of many lovely moments) was when I went to explore with Robbie and Pablo (Nohemy's boy) - they'd told me there was a monster. It turned out there was, as John appeared from nowhere, growling! It made me jump out of my skin and laugh so much.

We stayed until a little after 5pm and then headed home. Walking back to the car, Robbie held my hand. There's something very special about having a small person's hand in yours.

So there you go, that's been my weekend. Hope you've all had a good one too. Now to the inevitable Sunday night planning and an early night me thinks (and maybe just a little more curry!)

*A note about curry:
The Witton family are huge fans of curry, we all eat it regularly. If we are getting together for an evening meal somewhere, the likelihood is that it will usually involve curry. Caro even had curry as the food at her wedding reception. Curry is an important part of life and Witton culture!

Thursday, 20 November 2008


I woke up this morning feeling extremely nauseous and with an uncomfortable stomach - I hoped it would pass by the time I got to school, but it didn't. So I sorted some work out for my class and came home again.

I've spent a lot of the day asleep, but in between the sleeping I have been wondering...

I wonder a lot about who is reading this blog - I know people are, but it'd be nice to know a little more about you guys. I know my friend Kate is reading, because she gave me some feedback this morning.

Anyway whoever you are, just wanted to say hi and thanks for reading.

I wonder what people are getting up to back in lovely old Norfolk - I have a fair idea, thanks to facebook. I've seen quite a lot of silly photos recently.

I wonder if people notice I'm not there.

I wonder what it'll be like to go back for a few weeks next summer having spent a year away.

I wonder about Pete - not all the time anymore - life is definitely moving forwards, but just every now and again.

I wonder about Christmas, which seems to be coming closer and closer, yet I don't feel very Christmassy.

I wonder about Argentina...that's where I plan to spend Christmas this year.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008


I love it - here's some more!

Had I the heaven's embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with gold and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths,
Of night and light and half light,
I would spread these cloths under your feet:
But I being poor have only my dreams;
I spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

W B Yeats

This poem has been a firm favourite of mine and my sis Caro since we were teenagers. I read it at her wedding.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Beautiful Words...

Given to me by Michelle, my beautiful friend, a long time ago. The words seem appropriate now; I'm afraid I don't know the author.

Walk life as a journey,
Try to savour it's gold,
The sun radiant in rising,
The moon regal and bold.

Hear the bubbling brooks,
The wind dancing by,
See the clouds forming patterns,
Constant change in the sky.

See the seas and the mountains,
Resplendent in form,
Feel the rain, snow, then sleet,
As it builds to a storm.

Feel the strength of the elements,
As they change our grace,
Know the stars shine on everyone,
No matter culture nor place.

Have hope our hearts open doorways -
to thee angels above,
As mother Earth and the universe,
Give out constant unconditional love.

Phew Monday again!!

I have had an excellent weekend! Much socialisng!!


I watched some of the NZ rugby match round at Andy's house - although this mostly consisted of sitting outside with Kay and Christine and chatting, whilst the boys watched the rugby!

In the evening I went for a meal with the girls, Claire and Barbara. This was at a tiny Italian place in Cumbaya. It was a really sweet place. However there was a bit of a weird vibe so I decided to go out with Lani and Katt after the meal. (Tried to persuade Claire to come too...but she stayed with the others coz she's a good girl!)

After I'd finished eating I rang Lani to let her know that I was ready - I sang 'Rescue Me' down the phone, much to the horror of Keanna (Katt's daughter), and the amusement of Katt! The girls came to pick me up and we headed off into the night - singing along to 80s cheese! Hurray!

As we were driving I thought about the fact I'd left the the past I probably would have stayed because I felt that it was the right thing to do (like Claire), but it felt really good to have decided that I could have a better night and just gone and done it! Thinking purely about what I want to do, regardless of what others think! It felt so liberating!

We ended up at a club called 'The Next Level' in the Mariscal. We'd met up with a couple of Katt's friends and had to endure some random wandering before we found a place where they wouldn't have to pay.

I danced and danced and laughed and laughed! My dance partner for the evening was a guy called Esteban. It was interesting because I thought it would be a laugh to have a bit of a dance with him...then discovered there was no escape! It seems once an Ecuadorian guy has decided that you're dancing, that's that! Luckily he was a good dancer! We moved on to a Salsateca which was conveniently situated next door.

At the end of the evening (well, about 2.30-3.00am), the guys walked us back to Katt's car - and seemed very surprised when they weren't invited back! Big sulks ensued...oh well, tough!

I went back to Katt and Lani's which was fun. LAni and I stayed up chatting till about 4am!


Lani made me a really good breakfast and then I headed off to get a taxi (feeling slightly hungover...this has been happening of late!). Luckily there was one just down the road!

I got home and was there for about an hour and a half before heading out again to meet Yvette in Quito.

Yvette had a couple of lovely Irish girls 'couchsurfing' with her. (For those not in the know -

We went up into the old town and had a typical Ecuadorian lunch - a three course meal costing $2.25! I really enjoyed being back in the old town. I haven't been there since my birthday when I got really weird vibes. I didn't have any weirdnesses this time. It really is beautiful up there, so different to the new town. It was good too to suss out public transport to get there and back! Yvette was a great guide and I really enjoyed the company of the girls.

Back at Yvette's, she made Cuban style coffee and we had chocolate too - mmmm!

Eventually I decided I really should go home and do some preparation for this week. (Got home about 6pm).

Today I've led a school assembly on bullying because it is anti-bullying week. This is a week that I have introduced to the school to tie in with the week back in the UK. Assembly went well - even though I didn't really decide what I was doing till this morning!! I spent a lot of yesterday evening finding resources and thinking about what I want to do.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Mid Week Update!

Life is feeling good - if a little sleepy!

I have decided that in the work/life balance, life is definitely on the up!

On Monday night I went out with Lani for sushi because it was her birthday. Katt came too, which was fun! I've wanted to get to know Katt better for ages, so it was really cool to see her outside of work!

Last night, I was a dirty stop out again! I went up to Quito after school to meet up with Pete and Maija from the Surf Shak! Yay! It was brilliant to see them again so quickly and also to be out on a Tuesday night! I also spoke to Frans last night which was cool too...the Fi circle of people in Ecuador is starting to widen and I love it!

Pete and Maija are a great couple - they are realizing a dream by being here in Ecuador!

We checked out Finn McCools (the inevitable Irish bar) and Zocalo (a cool lounge sort of a bar, which had a live salsa band).

Today I'm tired which probably won't help my Spanish lesson later, but I really don't care. I'm enjoying life again!

Big thanks to all of you who have helped me through some darker times in the past few weeks. I'm happy to report that I'm back!

Sunday, 9 November 2008


I have had a brillliant few days away with Lani in Canoa.

We got the night bus from Quito on Tuesday, which was a lot easier than I thought it would be. The trip itself was fairly uneventful, apart from being really cold near Quito, then waking up at some point during the night and be ridiculously hot!! I slept on and off and enjoyed catching glimpses of places as we passed through.

At about 5.30am I awoke and saw the sea as the sun rose - a great sense of excitement welled up inside me. We arrived in San Vicente and then got a taxi to Canoa. I could probably write pages about our adventure, but will try to stick to the highlights.

Wednesday was spent in a fairly chilled fashion - we met some people from another hostel called Coco Loco, had breakfast, then explored.

Canoa is not a big place, but it is very popular with surfers and has a very laidback atmosphere.

The beach at Canoa was windswept and the weather mostly overcast. It reminded me of beaches back home...until I turned around and looked at the buildings, roads, etc.

Lani is really into surfing and spent quite a bit of time pursuing this interest whilst I read, relaxed, slept, chatted with other people, etc.

On Wednesday evening I spoke to an English couple in the bar of Bambu (a lovely hostel which we moved to on Thursday). I felt an instant connection with Sarah (hey lovely girl - I know you're gonna read this soon!). She's a teacher too and is out here travelling for a few months.

Wednesday night was spent in the Surf Shak ( and then The Shamrock. We had a salsa lesson and got talking to lots of people, a mixture of New Zealanders, Aussies, Americans, Canadians, Ecuadorians and not forgetting Frans (who's Dutch and owns The Surf Shak). There was a really great buzz and atmosphere, until unfortunately alcohol and testosterone got in the way at about 1.30am - Lani and I decided it was time for bed at that point!

On Thursday we upgraded to Bambu - because we're worth it! Breakfast was at Coco Loco again, then I watched Lani surf with some of the guys we met and read my book. ( I highly recommend it to all the girlies out there, it's called: 'Eat, Pray, Love'. It is resonating with me on many different levels.)

In the afternoon I was chilling out at Bambu and chatted more to Darcy who I'd met the night before. We decided to have a few games of pool and I shocked both myself and him by playing really well!!

In the evening we had dinner at a great seafood restaurant...mmm ceviche. Lani got chatting with the people there and before I knew it she was in the kitchen watching how the food was prepared and cooked. She has a desire to create a cookery book and so this was the beginning of her project!

Later I met up with Sarah and Anthony at the Surf Shak - Jenga wars commenced! Sarah and I also went dancing and ended up sitting on the beach till about 2.00am, putting the world to rights!

Friday...I spent a lot of time sleeping, which was wonderful because my sleep pattern of recent hasn't been that great! Friday evening...well, yes, you guessed it, I went back to the Surf Shak. I really like it there, all the people who work there are so lovely. Friday night was bin bag party night because it was Nick's birthday (lovely English guy who is travelling with his girlfriend and another couple who were also really cool). So we dressed up, laughed, dance on the bar and partied like good uns!

Later I went back to Coco Loco to catch up with Lani and spent a long time chatting to the owner - a great lady from Alaska. I leant about the difference in quality between wild Alaskan salmon and Norwegian farmed! Elizabeth also told me all about the school in Canoa. It's been built on good intentions and the right ideals, but sadly the actual running of the school isn't really working. I really want to find a way to help them out...I don't know how yet and part of me wished that I wasn't tied into a contract because I would have said there and then, 'Right I'm staying...where do I start?' Somehow I'm sure there is a way...

Another reason I liked Elizabeth was because she loved a good story, and those of you who know me, know I love to tell a great story. She was a fantastic audience and I was sad that I didn't see her again. I will find out how to contact her though.

All of a sudden it was Saturday and Lani and I had plans to get the night bus back to Quito. However as the day wore on, this idea appealed less and less. In the afternoon I sat down with Frans & Pete (Surf Shak dudes!) and some other folks for afternoon drinkies...I was really enjoying myself and didn't want to come home...luckily Lani felt the same way and there was a big cheer when they discovered we were staying. (Pete was also a bit gutted that he hadn't placed a bet on it) I was glad to discover that my silly head had over ruled my sensible head.

A big gang of us went out to dinner...Chris and Pete got a little competitive with the chilli sauce and were daring each other to eat more and more...I enjoyed encouraging them! I really was in my element...We also commenced popcorn wars.

After dinner it was back to the Shak for the tin foil party! I was so into my suitably silly mood, that I decided to cover my bra with tin foil...much to everyone else's...well pleasure of course! I felt so free, carefree...such a turn around from the beginning of the week. Frans and I walked up to Bambu to encourage people to come to the party (me in me bra!!), I also walked down to Coco Loco to attempt the same thing. I was in best Fi form!! (Even if I do say so myself!)

Unfortunately, wearing different materials has it's discomforts; the bin bag was sweaty and the tin foil was really quite scratchy and uncomfortable on one's delicate skin! I felt I had more than accomplished my task anyway...I walked all along the front in just a bra! (Accompanied by Sarah...she's a star!)

We shook out booties up in the Mambo bar - much to the delight of some of the locals - I think they're still quite shocked to see 'Gringas' who can actually dance.

However, tiredness won over and after a shortish visit to The Shamrock I headed for home. (Special note for Frans here, who kindly walked me home and helped me to get a spare key to the room as I couldn't find Lani).

Sunday...up early, nerves about catching the bus. Adam and Carrie came with us and we spent the rest of the day travelling back to Quito. I dozed, listened to music and enjoyed the changing countryside. Home by about 6.30pm. Plenty of time to prepare myself for work...hmm...oops...seems I haven't managed to do that, oh well, winging it tomorrow then!

This few days away has done me the world of good. Canoa has been like soul food. It was not my original plan, but was definitely the right thing to do.

I know I was meant to meet Sarah and that we will have more fun together in the future.

I also know that I am becoming more and more confident in myself as a single entity.

I feel sure that there is some way for me to help the school in Canoa.

I really hope that I will see the Surf Shak posse again soon ( when they come to Quito!), they also seem fairly positive that I'll be back!

One last note, for Lani. Such a great girl to travel with. We had fun together, but also respected that we wanted to do different things. I have felt completely relaxed in her company and am so glad that she got me to go to Canoa.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Today for the first time in about a week I have found myself comfortable and at peace whilst alone.
Late this afternoon I sat by the edge of the sea to read for a while. I soon found that I was listening to the sound of the waves - a sound that has always had the power to calm. I meditated on the sound; breathed in the air and felt calmness descend over me. The ocean invokes a stillness within, which I find very difficult to gain anywhere else. I felt at peace. I became very aware of my surroundings and the universe around me. I watched crabs coming out of the sand, unaware of my prescence because of my stillness.
I felt my strength begin to return. I know this is only the beginning of the recovery, but I feel that I made a great step forwards this afternoon.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

The best laid plans...

Don't always work out! That's what I'm finding this week anyway.

I was meant to spend the weekend with Amy, but sadly she got ill so that didn't happen.

Today I was meant to be going to the beach with Claire, Ben and Leilani - but unfortunately Ben isn't well, so now that's not happening either.

I was beginning to feel a little jinxed.

However, Leilani and I have decided to get an overnight bus later and make our way to Canoa (on the coast). So hopefully this new plan will work out.

I'll tell ya all about it when I get back.

Sunday, 2 November 2008


It's interesting to find out how others perceive you.

Apparently some people thought I'd be the first to leave. I don't know why, but I am guessing that they thought I wouldn't cope with being so far away from all that I've known and loved. They've changed their minds considerably as they've seen me become more and more settled. I think I have surprised quite a few, especially going away on my own to Cuenca after only being here for 8 weeks!

I've had a lovely day today, after a fairly rocky start. I met Claire for some pampering and shopping, then we went to Roy & Kay's for a barbecue. It was a very relaxing afternoon, so much so that I fell asleep on their sofa after lunch! Justin and Christine were there too and kindly gave me a lift home this evening.

Having spent yesterday entirely on my own, it was really good to be with people today.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

The last couple of days...

Thursday was a much better day than Wednesday. I had more energy and was also looking forward to seeing Amy again and meeting her friend Janette.

After school I had art club and some of the kids were intrigued by my webcam so we had some fun videoing and generally being silly.

Aims and Janette arrived at about 6pm (ish) and were very excited about going to the Halloween party. We had fun getting ready, listening to very loud music and getting our glad rags on. Amy was chief make up artist. Having had a couple of down days it was great to get caught up in their energy and enthusiasm. Once we all felt completely gorgeous, we went up on to my roof to take some pics!

Me being a bad fairy!

Aims and Janette looking gorgeous!

Leilani (the lovely new art teacher in Secondary), came to meet us and we made our way up to a Cuban bar in Quito. Once there we attracted quite a lot of attention! We salsaed to a live band until about midnight! I had a few problems with my wings as there wasn't a lot of room on the dance floor!!!

When we left the bar we started to walk to the Halloween party - I wasn't entirely sure where it was, but we made our way towards the Mariscal, again attracting the attention of many people that we passed.

A little way beyond the Mariscal, Janette asked some policemen for directions and managed to persuade them to escort us to the party! Both Janette and Amy were chatting away to them in Spanish - Leilani and me were left wishing we could speak Spanish too!

We eventually arrived at 'The South American Explorer's Club', which was suitably decorated for the event! Lots of people were in costumes. ( I was really glad about this, because the others were having such a good time at the Cuban bar, I didn't want the party to be crap - especially after the long walk to get there!)

We chatted to quite a lot of people, danced and had more fun. We left at about 1.30am and made our way home. (Leilani decided to stay at mine too).

I finally got to sleep around 3am. Unfortunately, Amy was ill during the night, so I looked after her and then went back to bed! (Hoping that she would be ok).

Just after 6am it was time to get up again for school...DOH! I prepared coffee for me and Leilani (the first of several we needed during the day) and we had croissants - yum!

At school, preparations were being made to have bread babies - this is part of the Ecuadorian tradition for the 'Day of the Dead'.

Marisa (one of the lovely Ecuadorian teachers) asked me to take photos. I was mightily chuffed to do this - much easier than trying to teach a bunch of overtired, overexcited kids after about 3 hours of kip! The kids got to decorate the bread babies just before break, so that they could have them with the traditional drink - colada morada. Colada Morada is delicious - it's a hot fruit drink, I had two!

In the afternoon, I went with Marisa, Carolina and six kids to the PAE animal shelter in Quito. Here we were delivering donations of animal food that the children had brought to school. It was a really lovely trip to go on. We got to see lots of lovely dogs and cats that have been rescued by the shelter. I wanted to take them all home...particularly one dog who had really sad eyes. The kids were great and really enjoyed themselves. Quite a few were keen to take their parents back so that they could adopt a pet. A lot of the animals are strays that are rescued from the streets, also the shelter often finds cats or dogs just left by their gates. All the animals that are brought in are neutered and cared for until new homs can be found for them. The organisation doesn't have a lot of funds, but they really are doing an amazing job. Apparently in Guayquil they even have some lions that have been rescued from circuses.

We got back to school just in time for the Spanish assembly about 'Day of the Dead'. This was performed by year three kids and it was wonderful. I really like the fact that we learn about Ecuadorian traditions. (Although I couldn't understand it all!)

I came home quite early because I was shattered and also to start organising the things I would need to take to stay with Amy. However when I got home and switched on my computer I found a message from Aims saying that she'd been to the doctors and she really isn't very well and needs to rest up for the weekend. I rang her to reassure her that it was far more important for her to rest. Both of us were really gutted, but I'll get there another time.

Last night I went for a meal with the girlies and Claire. I wasn't really on form because I was so tired, but it was nice to mark the start of half term. We did dance briefly in the middle of La Esquina though which was really funny.

Today I'm not really sure what to do with myself. I might go for some pampering somewhere. I think it might be good to have a few quiet days, then I'm off to Mom Piche with Claire, Ben and Leilani on Tuesday.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

A week into the new chapter...

Today has been hard, I'm utterly exhausted. In fact I'm probably going to go to bed quite soon. I found it extremely hard with the kids today, they were fine and enjoyed a day of painting with occasional inputs from their teacher, but I felt rubbish and didn't move far from my desk.

On the emotional rollercoaster today has been a down day.

However I have had lovely emails from Katifer and a brilliant long chat with Jemma. Talking to Jemma was so lovely, we chatted for an hour.

I love my friends - each and every single one of you!

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

3 more days till half term...

Hurray for half term...I can't wait. Also looking forward to the Halloween party on Thursday night. I've got a fab new dress to wear, which with my fairy wings and lots of black eyeliner will do the trick I reckon.

Today has been a good day - I'm tired, but feeling a lot more positive than I thought I would last week. At the end of the day I am here in this amazing country.

I have learnt quite a lot since I arrived:
  • Being myself is a damn good thing to be - as shown by the reaction of all the people I have met and work with
  • Being here on my own has started to enable me to put myself first
  • I am a very positive person - you have to be in this situation because you really are on your own
  • My family and friends mean even more to me than before.

My thought are quite random...been distracted for a while chatting to people online.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Retail Therapy!

A great afternoon, indulging in one of my favourite pastimes with Chrissy!

In the company of Miss Lee...

Firstly, I have been up for about 25 hours. Not because I can't sleep, but because I have been in the company of the awesome and beautiful, Miss Amy Lee.

Hmm...I should delete that really coz not long after I wrote it, I felt a huge need to go to sleep!

It's now a couple of hours later and I am in recovery from last night mode!

Yesterday I was up and about early because I was going to meet Amy at one of the bus station's in Quito at about 9.30am. I got a taxi because I didn't know where it was and arrived there at about 9.00am. I then hung around waiting to see Amy - hoping that we would find each other at this huge place.

I watched buses come and go, but no sign. Just after 9.30, Amy called my mobile from a payphone, we still couldn't see each other, but I decided to go in and look for her. A good decision! We found each other and headed into the Mariscal for coffee.

Coffee was in Plaza Foch, in the heart of the Mariscal, where we had vast amounts to talk about. we then ambled to the Artesania Market (it took a couple of detours to get there as my sense of direction didn't seem to be so good yesterday). We wandered slowly amongst the stalls and aisles full of bright colours and many interesting items. I bought a cute pair of earrings and a couple of headbands; Amy also got earrings and a bracelet - covered in religious icons. From the market we headed for Qui Centro and then MegaMaxi for some less exciting purchases. Then onwards to home for a chill, internet usage and yet more talking!

I introduced Amy to the wonders of Skype - she was mightily impressed!

Amy's current adventure is amazing - she is working with a community in the cloud forest, helping them to make jewllery and other items to sell at the market in Otavalo. Her stories, photos and Spanish are incredible after only being here for 3 weeks! I'm going to join her next weekend to see more of where she is and what she's doing, which I'm really looking forward to. Even though we have now only spent time together on four different occasions, it feels like we have known each other for a really long time. It really is lovely to have her here at the same time as me - especially at the moment. We are able to give each other a lot of support. She's also had stressful stuff going on this week, but in a different way. We also have a lot of fun!

Last night we decided to go out for sushi in Cumbaya. On the walk down to the old square, Amy and I devised some mantras - one I'm not going to repeat, one involved checking that she had her bag and the other was to say very loudly...'I'm in fucking Ecuador'. We practised these three mantras all the way to the old square. Changing them by emphasising different words and laughing quite hysterically. We met Jim in the square, had a great meal at the sushi place and then moseyed on to the pub. I was really shattered at the pub because of the lack of sleep in the past few nights (although Friday night was a lot better than Wed or Thurs). However we had a lot of fun singing along with the 80's cheese and chatting.

Amy really had a need to go dancing - there are quite strict rules for behaviour where she is living and a woman dancing on her own and wiggling her hips is seen as improper - it's what a prostitute would do. So she has danced but it has to be with the local village lads. Jim was meant to be going to a party, but decided to stay with us. I really felt unsure about going up to Quito, but in the end thought what the hell.

We went to the same club that I'd been to before with Jim - El Ajigon (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it, but it'll have to do!). Not long after we arrived a band started playing - however it soon became apparent that this was no ordinary band - they were a whole audio and visual experience. We were treated to a very intriguing and dark animation as well as the music! I really enjoyed it - great to see some live music again and it was really good. The DJs kicked in and we danced till about 3am. There was much silliness from all three of us in the dancing stakes and a lot of energy was expended!

Amy had decided that the best way to make sure that she got her bus back at 7.00am was to stay up all night. So we had an entertaining run around the Mariscal looking for somewhere else to go, realised most places appeared to be closing; grabbed a taxi and headed home.

Back at home, coffee, chocolate and t'internet kept me and Aims going. She finally managed to upload some of her pictures and also had another chat with her mum. Just after 6am we walked and found a taxi just down the road and she made her way home again.

It was beautiful first thing this morning - Cotopaxi was in view, the sun was shining and the early morning sky was amazing. Many things to be thankful for.

The Dawning of the Day

Amy has really helped me in the past 24 hours - I've had moments and she has been just wonderful. She's coming back on Thursday to come to a halloween party with me - I can't wait!