Saturday, 3 September 2011

Good Morning Vietnam!

Well to be more accurate it should say good evening, but as this is my first blog from Vietnam it seemed like an appropriate title.

I have been in Ho Chi Minh City for just over three weeks and am still very much finding my feet. I am living in District 7 which is a suburban area and relatively new. It only takes ten minutes to get to school and about twenty to get into the main city centre (depending on the time of day and amount of traffic). It's very easy here as it is ex-pat land; there are shops and restaurants near to my apartment and even a spa - which I have already visited twice as my back is in a shocking state. 

My apartment is not quite as swanky as Quito, but it's okay and will do for now. Some more comfortable furniture would be nice as I'm sure spending most of my time sat on the computer chair is not helping my back. When I arrived there was very little here other than furniture, not even loo roll. The only reason I didn't have a complete breakdown about it is because there was internet access already here.

I received a settling in allowance when I arrived which I thought I'd be able to live on till payday - unfortunately that went very quickly on things like: towels, bedding, pans, crocks, etc. Money has been quite a worry, but I have now been paid which is a blessed relief. The past year has been incredible, but I had spent all my savings by the time I arrived here.

School has been interesting for a variety of reasons. A couple of days after arriving, I found out I was the only music teacher so would be teaching every child in the school aged 2-14 and that I was also a Yr 7 form tutor. I wasn't entirely surprised about being the only music teacher but being a form tutor as well was a bit of a shock. However I really like my kids, so that's a relief. The only class I have found difficult so far is the Yr 9 group - but I think I may have approached them in the wrong way which didn't help. We'll see how it goes this week!

Being here is like being on an emotional rollercoaster - I expected that too. But knowing it's going to happen still doesn't really prepare you for the reality of it. Some days are so amazing I could burst, whereas other days I would just like to curl up into a ball and cry. I'm exhausted too which doesn't help. Again I expected this from my experience of moving to Ecuador, but having not worked for just over a year I haven't felt the kind of exhaustion related to work for a very long time. 

When I haven't been at school I've been getting to know District 1 a little - this is the city centre and seems to be a pretty cool area. There are 14 districts in Ho Chi Minh - so a lot to get to know! I was very happy yesterday when I found The Body Shop and could buy some of my favourite perfume.

I'm missing family and friends greatly at the moment, but know this will get easier over time and as I meet more people here.

1 comment:

Ms. Nomer © said...

Wow Fi! Things have been so crazy with me... I kind of spaced out on keeping up with you properly. You have amazing strength, friend. Proud of you.