Tuesday was a day of sleep until the afternoon when I went to a bloco in Copacabana. It was fantastic, live music and many people dancing. There was one fantastic old lady who didn't stop dancing at all - I was impressed by her energy and wished mine was at the same level. I danced too and posed for some fairly ridiculous photos (had my hair in plaits - always makes me feel more foolish!).
I really enjoyed the musicians, especially the sax player - he was such a showman!
Unfortunately my body was starting to ache, particularly my back - I put this down to the six hours at the sambadrome the night before.
Later that night a large group of us headed to the beach for a party - it was fun, but I was hurting more and more. When they decided to hit a very lively bar, I decided to retire as the thought of being knocked/pushed by anyone was pretty horrendous. The lovely Rhian and Simon - gorgeous English couple - walked me home. I took paracetamol, rubbed lavender oil into my lower back and eventually slept.
I was rudely awoken at 5am by the drunkiest - one of my room mates. Not being impressed and feeling like shit I told her to be quiet and fell back to sleep. At about 7am I was woken again by our new roomy's snoring. By 8am I could bear it no more and headed for the sofa downstairs, feeling pretty grumpy.
I really wanted to do a little sightseeing on Wednesday as it was my last day, but I was starting to suspect I was developing cystitis. I went for a nice lunch and then crashed. I also tried to make sure I drank plenty of water - something I'd obviously not been having enough of for a few days.
An early night was required, however it was not forthcoming as the pain intensified and I felt a constant need for the bathroom. Worried about disturbing my new roomies (changed rooms on Wed) I headed downstairs to drink as much water as I could manage and to try and wear myself out more.
I eventually managed to sleep for a few hours but woke again with the pain at about 4am and didn't really sleep again.
At 7.30am I was up and dressed, ready to head to the airport at about 8.30 and cursing the fact I didn't have time to get to a pharmacy.
I said goodbye to my new and lovely friends and left.
The ride to the airport, the wait whilst there and the flight were all pretty excruciating. Arriving at the airport on the Brazilian side of the falls I decided to get a taxi across the border, whatever the cost, I just wanted to get to my hostel and find a pharmacy and something to relieve the pain.
The taxi was quicker than expected and made the two border crossings incredibly easy which was a relief. I checked in; found out about the local bus; hit the town; eventually found a bank machine, a pharmacy and the beginnings of some relief.
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