Wednesday, 24 June 2009

One more week...

until I'm home!

I wonder how it will be. I know that some things will have changed and some will remain the same. There are a few things that I hoped wouldn't, but I have come to realise that it was all fairly inevitable.

Things I'm looking forward to, in no particular order:
  • Hugging my Dad at the airport
  • Hugging my Mum when we get home
  • Sleeping in my bed
  • Hugging (hmm gonna be a lot of that) all my gorgeous friends
  • Seeing my sis Caro, Stu and Theo in Copenhagen (And obviously hugging them a lot too)
  • Going to Latitude and partying
  • Driving!!!
  • Fishfinger sandwiches
  • Theo
  • New clothes
  • A Sunday at The Barrel
  • Live music played by my friends
  • Playing my Washburn guitar

Monday, 22 June 2009

Rebuild, reload - please wait!

I am rebuilding my laptop once again tonight. The only difference being I'm doing it myself - hmm...bit of a learning curve.

The new install of Windows 7 went well, as did the transfer of saved files. However I should probably have made sure I had saved certain program files and maybe made a list of my bookmarks in Firefox - DOH!

It's been quite nerve racking at times and now I'm getting bored with downloading things and stuff! (Hence I thought I'd tell you lot about it!)

I'm starting to think it would have been easier to get Andy to do it, but then again I wouldn't have learnt these important things if I had...

Blah, blah, blah.

On a more interesting note, in 7 days time, about now...I shall probably be unable to sleep as I will be excited about getting on a great big hairy plane to fly home - YAY!

Sunday, 21 June 2009


Enjoying life and happy to be me!

Originally uploaded by Fiwit

Una Semana Mas!

One more week of school and then holidays - bliss! I really cannot quite believe that I have almost completed a full school year out here in Ecuador. The first term really dragged, but now all of a sudden it's almost over and another milestone has been reached.

It hasn't always been easy and there have certainly been up and downs, but on the whole it's been a good year. I have made brilliant friends; seen beautiful places; had lots of fun. I know there will be even more of this over the next year.

I am so excited about coming home to see everyone and it seems that a good number of people are excited about my return which is good to know!

I have had a marvellous weekend...I'm turning into a bit of a dirty stop out - teehee! Went out with Adriana last night and consumed a fair quantity of Cuba Libres (I seem to have found the drink for me!!), much giggling and dancing ensued! At 3am Adri buggered off home but I decided to stay with some friends in Quito and ended up seeing the sunrise whilst hummingbirds hovered nearby - beautiful! After a few hours of collapse on me mate Dave's sofa, I got up to go and meet the girlies and Mike for food and shopping!

Delicious focaccia was enjoyed whilst Cuban music was being played live - perfect! Unfortunately just as we were heading in a shopwardly direction, the heaven's opened and we got utterly soaked. Rain, however, did not stop play...we braved our way forwards to the artesania market. Personally I was impressed with my part in this valiant effort, as one must not forget the alcohol in my system and my serious lack of sleep! (Heehee!)

Hats and other goodies were purchased - along with a rather nice ring for myself!

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Dirty Stop Out!

So here we are again, with a tale to tell and truths to be told!

On Wednesday some of my lovely friends from Canoa were in Quito for the Ecuador vs Brazil match. Unfortunately I couldn't make it to the game because I had an interview* for the deputy position in the primary school in the afternoon and had to work. However I decided it would be fun to go up to Quito and catch up with folks after the game.

Adri and I headed up for an early dinner at our favourite Mexican. Hmmm...I mentioned truth, well one of the guys who works there is very good looking and I rather like to admire him while I eat! Also the food is great - I'm slowly working my way through the menu!

Afterwards the only possible destination was Finn's. We were both shattered and hoped the guys and gals would turn up fairly quickly! By the time they reached us it was about 8pm and Adri was flagging - I on the other hand had had a couple of beers and was getting into the idea of being sociable and staying out!

We realised they had arrived when we saw a shock of blonde hair heading towards us - yes it was Frans the crazy Dutchman! Maija was also there and one of her friends from back home. We all got chatting and were having a lovely time - I knew I couldn't face more beer having had a couple and decided to have a Cuba Libre. By 9pm Adri needed to go - she really wasn't very well - I on the other hand was getting probably about my 4th/5th 'wind' of the day. Also I don't see these guys very often; was having fun and felt especially naughty because it was a school night. I decided to stay.

As the evening and the Cuba Libres progressed, Frans and I decided a little dancing was in order and that we should get others to join us. I picked a fairly attractive Ecuadorian girl for him and he picked...A REALLY UGLY GERMAN GUY FOR ME - cheers Frans, mate! I pointed out his misdemeanor (after dancing with the poor confused guy - briefly!). Frans and I danced a little more and then decided to cause mischief elsewhere!

I returned to the bar - my order was...'A small sensible Cuba Libre for myself and a large silly Canoan Cuba Libre for Frans...'

Amazingly, four drinks appeared - I realised later that it was 2 for 1 on Cuba Libres, but at the time it seemed quite magical! Jon (lovely chap behind the bar), kindly colour coded the straws so I knew which were mine and which were for Frans. Later I got in to the habit of just ordering one drink and giving Frans the spare one - he was a happy chappy!

I was having a marvellous time being silly with Frans; chatting with Maija and introducing myself to new people I didn't know in the bar!

At some point, at an unspecified time, dancing on the bar seemed like a marvellous endeavour. (Yup...I know, really not sensible behaviour for a school night, but I was having SO MUCH FUN!)

I intended to go clubbing - but in the time it took me to say goodbye to all my new found friends and pay the bar tab, I'd lost them. At this point I should have got into a taxi and gone home - unfortunately my sensible head was not in evidence on Wednesday I went back into the pub for another half hour or so. Have to be honest I really don't know what the time was by that point but I'm absolutely certain I was beyond caring! I'm also safe in the knowledge that I was being very witty and entertaining!

At an unspecified time before dawn, I got home - thank you Mr Taximan!

As you can imagine, Thursday morning came around far too quickly and the thought of going to school was not really my preferred option. So, I skived - bad Fi! I texted all the relevant people and thought all was done and dusted. Until I got a phone call just before 9am - they needed my desk keys and my classroom assistant was coming around to get them - sheesh!

Ooops, hang on a minute, missed a bit of the story. My friend Sanne called at 6am, YES, 6AM! To tell me that she had arrived at terminal terrestre in Quito - my response after working out who it was, wasn't entirely favourable and she said she'd call back in a few hours. I was pretty pissed off by the call - I know it was her time of arrival, and had I checked facebook the night before, I would have known of her impending arrival. But even so - 6AM!

Now, after Carolina left, Sanne rang again - she was about to get a taxi to Cumbaya. By this point I knew that I was not gonna be allowed to sleep and that this was my penance for staying off school. I headed off to meet her at about 9.30am at Supermaxi, where I also purchased suitable fry up ingredients.

After food and tea, I was feeling considerably more human again and settled in to a lovely relaxing day with Sanne - catching up on the times since we last saw each other in Buenos Aires. (I did have pangs of guilt every now and again and only fully relaxed after 3pm, when the school day was officially over).

On Friday I went to school, where several people asked if I was okay after falling over - apparently this was the story going round of why I hadn't been in the previous day. It was tricky, I told people I hadn't slept well; felt shit; bit of a dodgy tum. All true, but all hangover related. I also felt really bad because Claire has had a really bad fall and was on hefty painkillers and Adriana had bad sinuses. Ho hum!

Obviously, I don't usually go out on a Wednesday night and get into a state that means missing school the next day and it's not something I intend to make a habit of...but it did do me good! Also considering the amount I remember, I can't of been that bad.

*I didn't get the promotion, but not because of my drunken antics. I apparently gave the best interview (so Justin tells me), but they really want me to continue working on the curriculum role that I took on earlier this year. I am happy to do this and apparently will actually be given regular time to devote to improving the curriculum in the primary school - WOOHOO!

**If anyone from work reads this...umm...sorry!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

The past has passed

It's been a strange 24 hours of doubt and sadness. I received an email this morning which was like a virtual slap in the face. Memories from roads travelled before that made me question actions and choices that I have made. Along the road these choices must be made and sadly hurt, anger, bitterness and guilt sometimes follow like dark shadows from childish dreams. In the past year I have understood more about the effect my actions and choices have had on others, last night I tried to make amends and apologies. I have never wanted to cause pain or upset to others but I'm only me and I am very aware that I am not perfect. This morning I realised that the past must be left behind and be allowed to pass.

The shadows followed me today; whispering in my ear; scratching my heart; searing my soul.

Tonight I read a beautiful book which has chased the shadows away. The story is of a child who is different, he hears and sees things of which most are not aware. A tiger enters his life and sets him free. I don't want to say too much because I think this is a book that should be read, savoured and enjoyed. It is called 'Secret Heart', by David Almond.

Now, once more, my road is clear and the future beckons.