Monday, 29 September 2008

Monday again!

A considerably better one than last week! Although I had managed to remember all the unimportant things for school, I seemed to have forgotten all the slightly more important ones - like the book I planned to use in Literacy this morning! (Luckily I had some extracts on my laptop - phew!) It's been a day of improvising and adapting!

I've felt quite excited today because I have booked myself a weekend away in Cuenca. I'm looking forward to exploring and spending some time by myself. Also the photographic opportunities look awesome!

I came home from school quite quickly today so that I could speak to Mum and Dad, who have been on holiday for the last two weeks. Normally, if I'd been in Norfolk, it wouldn't have bothered me that they were away. However I really have felt them not being there and I think they felt the same. It was so lovely to catch up and to see them over the webcam.

At the moment I should be marking books that have been sitting around my house for the past week. I hate marking, where are the marking fairies when you need them?

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