Thursday, 19 August 2010

Interesting Developments...

So, one reason I decided to take a year off was so that I can focus on photography and music more. Well, it's amazing what happens when you make a decision like that! Last night while I was singing at The Barrel I was approached by a guy I've known for a few years who is interested in the possibility of me doing some recording - how exciting! He is very established in producing and recording different artists! 

On the photography front, I made a decision while I was at The Big Chill that I would like to be back for next summer and to work at some more festivals. I talked to Max of Brightgreen about the possibilities I could see for a photo journalistic story of what happens behind the scenes at festies in regards to recycling and waste - she is very keen and said that I could cover my hours doing that!

Life is, without a doubt, happening at the moment - I am loving it!

Monday, 16 August 2010


Goodness me, what a whirlwind of things have been happening since I returned to the flatlands! I have been having a wonderful time catching up with so many different friends.
  •  Latitude
  • Appleyard Fayre
  • London for a week
  • The Big Chill
  • Busker's nights in Banham and Burston
  • Friday night in The Eagle
  • Weems' Wedding and the Harlequin Fayre
I really do feel like I'm whooshing about all over the place. I have so many wonderful moments in my would take hours to tell you about all of them.

Mostly I am loving the moment when I see one of my many friends and then the hugs ensue! There are still lots of people I want to see - it's amazing how many people I know!

On the boy front - well he has been in touch but very longer holding out hope there. Did meet someone interesting at the wedding...