Term that is!
Kids finally came back to school today, my bunch seem pretty well behaved in comparison to last year's naughty boys. I kind of know most of them already which makes things easier. I have one new boy who seems to be in the cheeky/smart category - which is cool, well it will be once he learns the boundaries!!
I decided it was best to get the kids back into lessons as soon as poss, so I baffled them with some maths and introduced are WWII topic. I'm taking a big cross curricular approach to this, which is mostly fairly easy thanks to the Hamilton Trust. I just need to sort out the music side of things, but am thinking jazz and maybe protest songs - haven't got it all clear in my head yet.
Being back at school is pretty hard after the amazingly long summer holiday, already I'm exhausted and the list of work is growing.
On a different note, it's the guy's birthday tomorrow and I'm going to play a few numbers at his party - he doesn't know this yet and I'm fairly nervous. I had a practise this evening, but the lead for the amp didn't work, which was the main part I wanted to check. Singing is easy, microphones are easy, hearing what I'm playing through an amp is completely nerve racking. I think it'll be okay, I'm sure he'll be chuffed to bits, but the practise this evening hasn't exactly filled me with confidence. I felt fine, but the friend who was listening wasn't exactly gushing with praise - I guess that's probably how she is though. Now I need to work out the order of songs.
At the weekend I'm heading to Otavalo again for an Irish/Ecuadorian wedding which should be lots of fun. I'm using it as my pre-birthday party, thus giving me the opportunity to have a post birthday party the following weekend!
That's all for now, more soon. xx