I've been back for just over a week and a half and am having an utterly brilliant time. I was definitely right about all the hugging, from both friends and family.
It's been fairly hectic so far, so I'm really enjoying a few days chilling out in Copenhagen with Caro, Stu and Theo. Theo is utterly gorgeous and had already charmed me pretty much completely over the webcam, but now I'm in love with him even more!
I have loved seeing everyone so far and know there are still a good number of significant people to catch up with, but I also want to make sure I have a decent time with Mum and Dad as I'm really unsure as to when I will see them again after this. Much as I love my friends, my family comes first.
The best bits so far:
- Seeing Mum, Dad, Caro, Theo and Stu
- Catching up with Mark and laughing until 4am in the morning.
- Playing and singing at the Cider Shed and The Barrel
- Getting to Anna's and sitting on the bench outside; Sim turning up after a while and asking if I'd ever been away!
- Being hugged by Mikey, Henry and Hugo, all at the same time.
- Finding out about a party within 24 hours of getting home - cheers Chum for the info and Oz for the party!
- Lovely Pat and Liney
- The surprised look that I've seen on quite a few people's faces when I have surprised them by turning up out of the blue (even though it hasn't exactly been a secret that I was coming home!)
Still looking forward to Latitude and the week I have after that before I head back to Ecuador. Starting to wonder if I should have stayed for longer, but know I need some time to myself as well.
Ooops, almost forgot about the changes, etc...
Well my friends have mostly stayed exactly as I thought they would be - all gorgeous, and able to sit down and talk as if no time has passed.
Some conversations have seemed similar to a year ago...
The trees are all the same...
There are a few changes though, people having or expecting kids; Lou's in Bosnia, her kids have grown...
It's good to know that things in Norfolk also change and move on, as I have. However it's also very comforting to have the familiarity of many things being the same!