My kids have been great today! I actually came in after lunch to find them all sitting silently, reading! So it seems my bollocking of yesterday may have actually had an effect on them! It may also have helped that one of our lessons today was spent playing a computer game - we are investigating quest style adventures with a view to the kids working together to produce their own. I had considered not proceeding with this activity because they were such little shits yesterday, but decided it was important for them to see that I am a very cool teacher and they are damn lucky to have me!
At the end of the day I wrote a note on the board thanking them for a great day and hoping that we have another one tomorrow! (I really hope this improvement continues).
My foot has been less bother today too - I decided that even though my trainers seemed the most sensible footwear to give support, etc., they were actually causing the support bandage to dig into my foot, thus making the discomfort greater. Today I opted for my comfy, old, fave shoes and have been a lot happier in the foot region.
Physio was still annoying though with regards to the two witches (physiotherapists). I have now been labeled as 'the one who cries'. However I got on with all my exercises, smiling as I went, with only the occasional 'ow'. I did at times wonder if what they were making me do was purely for their own amusement - but nevertheless I continued! To be honest I can tell by the way my foot and calf muscle are aching now, that the exercises did do me good. Another sesssion tomorrow - hopefully that one will go well too.
I have just finished making a surprise birthday cake for my friend Katt - it's amazing how many important things I am finding to do rather than write reports. I really must put some effort in over the weekend.
On another note, I am getting used to people not replying to emails I send - it doesn't surprise me, but it still saddens me a little. (Just in case some of you are wondering, this only applies to a very small number of people - not the majority of my beautiful friends). Maybe I am a fool to keep trying...but I still have hope inside me.
Lastly, I have paid for my trip to The Galapagos tonight! I am very excited about going there with my Mum and Dad (who will be here 9 weeks today - woohoo!). It's a lot of money, but then once in a lifetime experiences usually are and to be there with my parents will just be amazing. I miss them both so much, even though we speak regularly via skype. I can't wait to hug them both.