I have had a brillliant few days away with Lani in Canoa.
We got the night bus from Quito on Tuesday, which was a lot easier than I thought it would be. The trip itself was fairly uneventful, apart from being really cold near Quito, then waking up at some point during the night and be ridiculously hot!! I slept on and off and enjoyed catching glimpses of places as we passed through.
At about 5.30am I awoke and saw the sea as the sun rose - a great sense of excitement welled up inside me. We arrived in San Vicente and then got a taxi to Canoa. I could probably write pages about our adventure, but will try to stick to the highlights.
Wednesday was spent in a fairly chilled fashion - we met some people from another hostel called Coco Loco, had breakfast, then explored.
Canoa is not a big place, but it is very popular with surfers and has a very laidback atmosphere.
The beach at Canoa was windswept and the weather mostly overcast. It reminded me of beaches back home...until I turned around and looked at the buildings, roads, etc.
Lani is really into surfing and spent quite a bit of time pursuing this interest whilst I read, relaxed, slept, chatted with other people, etc. On Wednesday evening I spoke to an English couple in the bar of Bambu (a lovely hostel which we moved to on Thursday). I felt an instant connection with Sarah (hey lovely girl - I know you're gonna read this soon!). She's a teacher too and is out here travelling for a few months.Wednesday night was spent in the Surf Shak (www.canoathrills.com) and then The Shamrock. We had a salsa lesson and got talking to lots of people, a mixture of New Zealanders, Aussies, Americans, Canadians, Ecuadorians and not forgetting Frans (who's Dutch and owns The Surf Shak). There was a really great buzz and atmosphere, until unfortunately alcohol and testosterone got in the way at about 1.30am - Lani and I decided it was time for bed at that point! On Thursday we upgraded to Bambu - because we're worth it! Breakfast was at Coco Loco again, then I watched Lani surf with some of the guys we met and read my book. ( I highly recommend it to all the girlies out there, it's called: 'Eat, Pray, Love'. It is resonating with me on many different levels.)
In the afternoon I was chilling out at Bambu and chatted more to Darcy who I'd met the night before. We decided to have a few games of pool and I shocked both myself and him by playing really well!!
In the evening we had dinner at a great seafood restaurant...mmm ceviche. Lani got chatting with the people there and before I knew it she was in the kitchen watching how the food was prepared and cooked. She has a desire to create a cookery book and so this was the beginning of her project!
Later I met up with Sarah and Anthony at the Surf Shak - Jenga wars commenced! Sarah and I also went dancing and ended up sitting on the beach till about 2.00am, putting the world to rights!
Friday...I spent a lot of time sleeping, which was wonderful because my sleep pattern of recent hasn't been that great! Friday evening...well, yes, you guessed it, I went back to the Surf Shak. I really like it there, all the people who work there are so lovely. Friday night was bin bag party night because it was Nick's birthday (lovely English guy who is travelling with his girlfriend and another couple who were also really cool). So we dressed up, laughed, dance on the bar and partied like good uns!
Later I went back to Coco Loco to catch up with Lani and spent a long time chatting to the owner - a great lady from Alaska. I leant about the difference in quality between wild Alaskan salmon and Norwegian farmed! Elizabeth also told me all about the school in Canoa. It's been built on good intentions and the right ideals, but sadly the actual running of the school isn't really working. I really want to find a way to help them out...I don't know how yet and part of me wished that I wasn't tied into a contract because I would have said there and then, 'Right I'm staying...where do I start?' Somehow I'm sure there is a way...
Another reason I liked Elizabeth was because she loved a good story, and those of you who know me, know I love to tell a great story. She was a fantastic audience and I was sad that I didn't see her again. I will find out how to contact her though.All of a sudden it was Saturday and Lani and I had plans to get the night bus back to Quito. However as the day wore on, this idea appealed less and less. In the afternoon I sat down with Frans & Pete (Surf Shak dudes!) and some other folks for afternoon drinkies...I was really enjoying myself and didn't want to come home...luckily Lani felt the same way and there was a big cheer when they discovered we were staying. (Pete was also a bit gutted that he hadn't placed a bet on it) I was glad to discover that my silly head had over ruled my sensible head.A big gang of us went out to dinner...Chris and Pete got a little competitive with the chilli sauce and were daring each other to eat more and more...I enjoyed encouraging them! I really was in my element...We also commenced popcorn wars.
After dinner it was back to the Shak for the tin foil party! I was so into my suitably silly mood, that I decided to cover my bra with tin foil...much to everyone else's...well pleasure of course! I felt so free, carefree...such a turn around from the beginning of the week. Frans and I walked up to Bambu to encourage people to come to the party (me in me bra!!), I also walked down to Coco Loco to attempt the same thing. I was in best Fi form!! (Even if I do say so myself!)
Unfortunately, wearing different materials has it's discomforts; the bin bag was sweaty and the tin foil was really quite scratchy and uncomfortable on one's delicate skin! I felt I had more than accomplished my task anyway...I walked all along the front in just a bra! (Accompanied by Sarah...she's a star!)
We shook out booties up in the Mambo bar - much to the delight of some of the locals - I think they're still quite shocked to see 'Gringas' who can actually dance.
However, tiredness won over and after a shortish visit to The Shamrock I headed for home. (Special note for Frans here, who kindly walked me home and helped me to get a spare key to the room as I couldn't find Lani).
Sunday...up early, nerves about catching the bus. Adam and Carrie came with us and we spent the rest of the day travelling back to Quito. I dozed, listened to music and enjoyed the changing countryside. Home by about 6.30pm. Plenty of time to prepare myself for work...hmm...oops...seems I haven't managed to do that, oh well, winging it tomorrow then!
This few days away has done me the world of good. Canoa has been like soul food. It was not my original plan, but was definitely the right thing to do.
I know I was meant to meet Sarah and that we will have more fun together in the future.
I also know that I am becoming more and more confident in myself as a single entity.
I feel sure that there is some way for me to help the school in Canoa.
I really hope that I will see the Surf Shak posse again soon ( when they come to Quito!), they also seem fairly positive that I'll be back!
One last note, for Lani. Such a great girl to travel with. We had fun together, but also respected that we wanted to do different things. I have felt completely relaxed in her company and am so glad that she got me to go to Canoa.